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Coyote predation

There’s also a behavior coyotes and foxes share when they stumble upon kills where they can gorge themselves. I’ve watched it many times and it’s also the reason trappers use dirt hole sets.

They will go eat as much as they can then leave and puke it up, bury it, and dig it up later to eat. That’s why just a few coyotes can make deer disappear so fast. They can eat up to 10lbs at a time. Doesn’t take very many trips to make a deer disappear if you factor that in. Not to mention other scavengers, like raccoons, opossums, and birds.

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I think its is possible that the two carcases that my neighbor found together are cat kills. (That coyotes fed on?) Kind of in a deep draw in the middle of the timber. I had a doe this summer that had really obvious paw claw rake marks on her rear haunches. I'm thinking bobcat when I say cat but who knows. There has been a trailcam pic of what might be a fisher floating around my local so nothing would surprise me "new species" wise these days.
I've seen a ton this late winter with some trail pics showing 4 in a single picture. I didn't get that many pictures before December but the traffic has since increased significantly. Wonder if it's due to mating season for the yotes finding new territory? This is the first year I'm seriously considering trapping.
There’s also a behavior coyotes and foxes share when they stumble upon kills where they can gorge themselves. I’ve watched it many times and it’s also the reason trappers use dirt hole sets.

They will go eat as much as they can then leave and puke it up, bury it, and dig it up later to eat. That’s why just a few coyotes can make deer disappear so fast. They can eat up to 10lbs at a time. Doesn’t take very many trips to make a deer disappear if you factor that in. Not to mention other scavengers, like raccoons, opossums, and birds.

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Agree with both Curtis’s posts. *fwiw, I have that buck getting chased on 2 cams - day before, middle of my farm he didn’t have an injury but ya, coulda happened from Anything. The coyotes for sure finished him off. I have seen them take down mature deer with no injuries but im sure in many cases they don’t bother … rather go for rabbits & mice. The times when I see em do that is those high density areas & those same times, it’s been like 6-8…. They set the trap & execute… the times I’ve seen it, I’d describe it as … “they hunted like a pack of wolves”. It also would not surprise me if they did what wolves do… “kill for fun” where they kill more than they can eat & keep killing. All hypothesis with no concrete proof other than what I’ve seen in person, on camera + a bit of common sense.

One incident that bothers me…. I understand why it happens but I want to kill coyotes or reduce their #’s…. Bucks that naturally get rutted down from aggressive rut or have the tiniest injuries they most likely would heal from…. Get targeted by coyotes when they have the #’s. Bucks that would have most likely recovered. Since we waged war on coyotes… for sure find less dead bucks that IMO were getting hammered before by these packs of death.

Deer on my farm are morbidly obese. For sure, strategy which makes them so easy to hunt since they can’t run.

There must be something else going on here with Curtis for motives in favor of these little devils…. Wants all the coyote pelts to himself perhaps? Has some inside knowledge that pelts will be worth thousands a piece or something. He’s stock piling them & plotting to get rich or maybe working in his own “Killer-Curtis-Coyote-Clothing” line? Something is off.

Just got an electronic caller. Don’t have a thermal scope. Have not had success with calling yet. Any tips for a beginning coyote hunter? Best source for step by step videos?

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Just got an electronic caller. Don’t have a thermal scope. Have not had success with calling yet. Any tips for a beginning coyote hunter? Best source for step by step videos?

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Wish I had better advice!! My free time is limited after being gone for work from june through october and then deer hunting every chance I get. I try coyote hunting but don’t make the effort to get out as much as i’d like.. ( also not a fan of the cold if not trying to kill a deer. Lol) I just have a relatively cheap electronic caller and have had some success at keeping it simple. Set up downwind at dawn or dusk of where you think the coyotes live and start with a rabbit distress or some other distress call. Some of the coyote calls have worked too. The guys I know with thermals seem to clean up on them.

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Seen very few deer out the window this evening and the ones I saw were acting skittish.
Bout 1/2 hour ago, right at dark I looked out and seen a coyote. Had a .22lr within reach, cracked open the window and dropped him in his tracks at 80 yards. :p
Will go take a pic in the morning.
Makes me wonder how common it is, obviously they are working together to get a few. I've personally witnessed many coyotes trot past a field of deer and the deer look up but don't freak out. Still think if there is other smaller game to go after, they will default to that.

Someone commented that the gut pile from their deer laid there for a week or so. Same thing happened to me this fall and I would say I'm in a high coyote density area.
Any chance the guy pile for the deer shot had eHD? it seems like they aren't touching the carcasses so I wonder about the guts?
Prey animals I believe have the know how to know if they are gonna be targeted.
I've watched many coyotes walk close to deer out feeding in open grounds and pay almost Zero attention.
A Predator walks/ has a different posture while moving between kill/ casual mode.
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