I didn't have any complaints. I did switch to the 125gr vice the 100 I started with. I didn't have any problems matching my field points, none of the blades sheared off. Heck even after shooting them I half a****** straightened them and they still shot fine, I didn't trust a practice shot head for hunting though. But yes there are better bh on the market. I switched to muzzies, they didn't shoot well at all. Shooting Montecs this year, they are working well for me. I didn't noticed any huge difference with Crimsons on any blood trail or anything. I still have them and when I catch blades on sale I will buy them and wouldn't be afraid to shoot em. Personally I think the several listed are all fine and it is really what you and your set-up likes. Seems just about all perform the same. Heck alot of fans for mechanicals, and I don't like anything about em.