Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

crimson talon broadheads


PMA Member
Anybody ever shot these? If so how well did they perform. I'm shooting Muzzy 4 blades and have no reason to really change but the crimson heads just caught my eye.
i have a set of three that i would like to get rid of. i shot them only at targets, and had a hard time with matching them to my field point placements. i don't think they matched the vanes on my arrows. it was easier to switch to thunderheads. shoot me an email if anyone wants them.
Better heads on the market. Wasp, Muzzy, and Thunderhead to name a few!

Any company that relies on fancy logo's and "hot sales chicks" at they're booth to sell products should tell you something!

They've improved them from last year when the blades would just shear off when hitting a target. I always wondered how they could put a poor product on the market in the first place?
I didn't have any complaints. I did switch to the 125gr vice the 100 I started with. I didn't have any problems matching my field points, none of the blades sheared off. Heck even after shooting them I half a****** straightened them and they still shot fine, I didn't trust a practice shot head for hunting though. But yes there are better bh on the market. I switched to muzzies, they didn't shoot well at all. Shooting Montecs this year, they are working well for me. I didn't noticed any huge difference with Crimsons on any blood trail or anything. I still have them and when I catch blades on sale I will buy them and wouldn't be afraid to shoot em. Personally I think the several listed are all fine and it is really what you and your set-up likes. Seems just about all perform the same. Heck alot of fans for mechanicals, and I don't like anything about em.
tested them out and did not like them i'll stick with my nap crossfires
I was in the market for a switch and these heads caught my attention . After reading some performance reviews, I changed my mind and settled with a pack of 100 gr. Montec G-5's.
I think that the Crimson Talons are crap, last time I looked at them I noticed their blades were pretty damn thin compared to all other broadheads... things may have changed since then though.
Any company that relies on fancy logo's and "hot sales chicks" at they're booth to sell products should tell you something!...

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Sounds kinda like the Classic

NOT that I'm complaining about our booths window dressing
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