Dbltrees brassica post got me to thinking about cultipackers. My neighbor has an old one he lets me use. It is a brillion (?) style, the type that looks like it has a gear for every other roller, and has a weight tray on top. I think the main section is 6', with two trailing sections about 36"-40". Its pretty old, it even has axle "hubs" made of wood, which I had to rebuild. Works like a charm now. I have a standing offer to buy it from him, but for now I just use it for free. If he gets tired of me dragging it across his hay field every year and wants to sell someday, whats a fair price? I'd like to buy it and sell the smaller sections as Bonker mentioned in the other post. I know the value depends on alot of things, I'm just looking for a ball park price range.
BTW, my home computer had a stroke and died yesterday so I wont be back until at least Sunday night.
BTW, my home computer had a stroke and died yesterday so I wont be back until at least Sunday night.