Deer007 food plot contest entry



This plot is hunting plot situated in a funnel to slow deer movement as they travel past my stand from bedding to feeding and vise versa. My hopes are they start using this as a staging area as they enter the crop field in the evening and for a quick last bite to eat as they go back to bed in the morning. The reason I chose this spot is I am able to get in and out of the stand undetected as well I able to take advantage of the prevailing winds. This is essentially set up on an elevated flat in a drainage. This plot started early this year clearing, and trimming the plot using a friend, chain saws, pruners, and a small tractor loader. Attention was given to opening the canopy to let in enough light to the plot.

May 1
I sprayed the area with Roundup using a tractor mounted sprayer.

May 10
After seing I got a good burn down with the Roundup I filled the tractor mounted sprayer with pH Gain, chained my harrow to the loader along with a heavy duty walk behind spreader. In the loader was slow release 13-13-13 fertilizer and Quaker Boy 15 plus seed. At first I was a little skeptical of this seed as it was such a varied mix. I liked most of the plants in the mix. So I thought I would give it a try. I opted for using the small 4x4 tractor versus a 4 wheeler because I could pick up the seed, fertilizer, and harrow and only make one trip. If you are not familiar with pH Gain here are the details.
“pH Gain helps neutralize problems related to soil acidity
pH Gain is a uniquely concentrated chelated liquid calcium product that helps neutralize problems related to soil acidity, promotes root growth, improves soil structure, increases favorable soil bacteria and increases fertilizer usage in your food plots. One gallon of pH Gain equals 1000 lbs. of lime and treats up to ½ acre (of normal soil). Spray soil before planting to begin releasing the beneficial benefits and immediately correct soil pH problems for a full season. Lime takes months to start working and does not have the additional benefits of pH Gain. pH Gain can be sprayed in combination with ordinary fertilizers or Forage Fuel to increase your soil's pH and make soil nutrients more available to plants. pH Gain an also be sprayed onto foliage and soil around established plants to correct pH problems and ensure proper fertilizer usage. pH Gain cannot be over applied like lime products causing soil problems for plants.”

As I did not want to bring in bags of pelletized lime and the plot is inaccessible with a large spreader pH Gain was an easy choice since it is not a large plot and can be affordably applied annually. I started by harrowing the soil well I then broadcasted 250# of the fertilizer. I then spread the seed at the lightest setting I could with the walk behind spreader going both ways and harrowed lightly. I then sprayed the plot with 2 gallons of pH gain mixed with water. After about an hour and a half I was loaded up and headed home.


June 3
I couldn’t take it and had to look how the germination was doing so I drove over and took a look. I was pleased to see some green coming through. Snapped a few picture and headed home.

June 30
I wanted to check on the plot and spot spray any weeds taking hold. I loaded up my back pack sprayer and walked through. I was please to find minimal invasive weeds and only spot sprayed a couple areas. Looking good!

July 15
I was pleased when I walked over the hill and seen a lush stand and could pick out clovers, turnips, rye, chicory, and others. The plot is establishing well thickening up, and lush. I was also pleased to see many deer tracks in a couple of the wet spots.

August 6
I inspected the plot for usage and thought I may need to mow it to put on some new tender growth. But when I seen how much it was being utilized . I decided just to fertilize this plot with a foliar fertilizer. I used Tecomate Plant Exploder at a rate of 16oz with 7 gallons of water and sprayed the plot with the tractor mounted sprayer. I also added a little dish soap as Tecomate recommended to help the solution stick to the foliage. Hope this sweetens it up to add to the palatability and help overall plant health. At this point the only thing I wish I would have done differently was add a cage to see how much the deer had been browsing. I snapped a few pictures to show you how well the plot had filled in. You can see all the different plants in these pictures such as turnips, clovers, rye, millet, kale, chicory ,and alfalfa as well as others.

That is a great looking plot! Thanks for showing us your progress. Looks like a deadly set-up for this fall, good luck!
Out of all the plots I like your choice of location/terrain the best. Looks like a fantastic spot to setup for an evening hunt. Great job.