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Ditch hunters...hmmm

We used to road hunt for pheasants for years, and definitely not out of laziness. Usually we would hunt close to an hour from home and depending on how early we left home we would road hunt once we left the highway and hit the gravel roads en route to our destination.
We would typically hunt all day long or until we had our limit, if we didnt reach our limit on the ground we WALKED all day we would road hunt on our way back home.
Not one person in my family has ever been a lazy hunter and for you to make a blanket statement that this is LAZY irks me. I cant stand all the people on this site that throw disrespectful comments out because its not THEIR way.
Piss off

Whoa guys, some people need to get the sand out of their ***. Don't take everything so personally. I'm sure he wasn't just saying that you're lazy, but as a society, you can't argue that we've all gotten lazy.
I dont take everything personally. Just get tired of blatantly disrespectful comments thrown out there at all of us. It wasn't directed toward one individual. And yes as a society we have gotten lazy, but that does not give anyone the right to make stupid comments like that one.
IMO. i just don't see much of a thrill out of jumping out of the truck and shooting something.. I'd rather put the work and effort in and in the end its a better experience
IMO. i just don't see much of a thrill out of jumping out of the truck and shooting something.. I'd rather put the work and effort in and in the end its a better experience

I agree with that. We as road hunters would never just jump out and blast away. It didnt work like that, if we spotted a bird or two we would park, get our dog out and WALK the ditch with the hope of him sitting tight til the dog could find him. Most of the time they would fly away before we even got close to them.
We had a spot close to Red Oak just off hwy 34 that we would stop and walk each and everytime we hunted down in that area. This ditch always held birds and we'd usually take one or two everytime.
So, back to the deer thing. That cant be legal, deerhunting next to private land, in the grader ditch. I would be having some fun with them if they were doing it around my farm. Then it would also be legal to hang a stand in a tree that was on the right of way side of the fence?
Ha, I figured that would get a rise out of some of you. This comment stemmed from the "roll down the window" comment made earlier. IMO there is a bit of difference between what you are talking about and someone pulling up, rolling down the window and shooting. You just pretty much made the distinction between laziness and getting out and walking for me. Thanks :way:
I guess I missed the roll down your window part. Ya we definitely aren't and will never be that kind of hunter. I apologize!
biggest buck said:
We used to road hunt for pheasants for years, and definitely not out of laziness. Usually we would hunt close to an hour from home and depending on how early we left home we would road hunt once we left the highway and hit the gravel roads en route to our destination.
We would typically hunt all day long or until we had our limit, if we didnt reach our limit on the ground we WALKED all day we would road hunt on our way back home.
Not one person in my family has ever been a lazy hunter and for you to make a blanket statement that this is LAZY irks me. I cant stand all the people on this site that throw disrespectful comments out because its not THEIR way.
Piss off

Thanks for point out what really happens while you road hunt. It's funny how people think that its shooting birds out of the window. They don't know that you take your dog with you and you use the dog the same way you use it in the field.
6x6 said:
So, back to the deer thing. That cant be legal, deerhunting next to private land, in the grader ditch. I would be having some fun with them if they were doing it around my farm. Then it would also be legal to hang a stand in a tree that was on the right of way side of the fence?

I don't see why not because some one can shoot a pheasant out of the ditch and not a deer. They don't make many laws that stop you from doing something to one animal but being able to do it to another animal.
I looked and could not find anything. Must just be another place the Iowa dnr is dropping the ball. The orange army kills most of their deer that way around here, so it must be legal. Anyone know any different? I still would not reccomend anyone sitting in the ditch by my place. I have way too much time on my hands and no tolerance for vultures.
Who hunts anything out of a ditch!!?????????:D We use to have goose hunters by the score laying in the ditches here!! WoW!! That was hunting!!!!!!!!!!:D Now the state has put up signs.....No Hunting from Roadway!! Probably the most worthwhile thing they have done in 50 years!!!
That would be a good time to burn my fenceline, or maybe do a little coyote hunting. My eyes are not as good as they used to be.
Anyone hunting deer in a ditch that is not next to land they own or have permission to hunt, is just an opportunistic leach, a step above someone shooting out of the truck from the road. How many guys that would even resort to that kind of hunting do you think would only shoot at a deer that had crossed the fence into the right away, and not shoot across the fence or road, which is illegal.
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When did hunting legally become so wrong? If you follow the law you shouldn't be yelled at by other people.
What's the difference between HUNTING in a ditch or a timber. They both are hunting.
your right hunting from a timber in a tree stand is the same as hunting in a ditch.. the state at least does your scouting for you then all you have to do is set up by a deer crossing sign.
When did hunting legally become so wrong? If you follow the law you shouldn't be yelled at by other people.

Hunting by legal means is just fine, and I don't know if that's what people are getting at here! Why don't you explain yourself a bit and help is understand what you mean by ditch hunting for deer?
hotshott2289 said:
your right hunting from a timber in a tree stand is the same as hunting in a ditch.. the state at least does your scouting for you then all you have to do is set up by a deer crossing sign.

Tell me please what's the difference. I'm not saying I would do this but really what's the difference. You are in both places "hunting" for deer. Does it matter where you sit when you kill it.
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