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Do Camera's tell all?


New Member
I have had my (8) camera's out since mid-July. I have several bucks on film that should score 120's to 140's. However, I have yet to capture that Dominant, Monster Buck that should be in the area.

Do you think that I am putting too much emphasis on the camera's? Has the big one avoided me? Did I not have my camera's in the correct location? Should I just quit worring and just hunt?

Let me know what you are thinking.


Sounds like you've got a lot of money wrapped up in cameras. How big is the place you're hunting? Maybe with checking 8 cameras, you are putting too much pressure on the area.
The area is preety large, 600+ acres. I put the cameras out in Mid-July and picked them up this weekend. I don't think pressure is the issue.

I was playing the odds thinking that eventually a big one would walk past one of the cameras.

If anything, I think I could use a few more cameras for an area this big.

Thanks for your input.
Wish I had that much to hunt! They're out there somewhere. I'm sure they'll starting popping up all over the place once the rut hits. Good luck!
I agree that they are out there too, but I wish I had proof.

Good Luck to you too.

Thanks again,

String Gun Shooter
Here is an example that might help you out. I hunt one farm that is small (140 acres) and I run four cameras on that farm.
There is one buck that I am after this year that likes to hang out in a very small area on the farm. Out of the four cameras I have out I repeatedly get pictures of him from one camera but not on any of the others. His core area is really small. I doubt I would even know this buck was on my farm if I did not have that camera out in it's exact location. With 600 acres available to you, I'm sure there are bigger deer but your cams are just not in the right spot. Then again, who really knows.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I have yet to capture that Dominant, Monster Buck that should be in the area.

This is purely speculation on my part but I suspect he doesn't live there...

I often see those type of mature bucks only once during the peak of the rut or shortly after as they make one last cruise searching for a hot doe.

They don't live on my place...period.

Mature bucks like that may have some out of the way core area in a little patch of brush in a 400 acre field of CRP or wherever.

They often don't even really get moving until well after younger 2-3 year olds are half wore out and even then they will run a doe off somewhere away from the ruckus.

If you have a mature buck living in your area you'll be getting pics of him off and on thru out the year.

IMO with that many cameras your not missing him...he's not there. What shows up in mid to late November is a different story...... /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
Thanks for all your great feedback. The issue that I have is how often other see Huge Bucks out in the open or feeding in fields? I don't see that and by having all the cameras out I thought I would.

Oh well, that's why they call it hunting, Right?
The big ones simply don't show up on the cams very often. I've had 5-6 cams out since early June and still haven't got a pic of the big one. I know he's still in the house though because a friend saw him a few weeks ago while driving on the property. 6 cams for 3 months and he hasn't walked by a one of them. Like you, I have a bunch of pics of 100-140 class stuff. Typical results. Cams are great fun but don't ever feel like there won't be bigger bucks on the property than what you've seen in pics. Chances are, there will be.
The answer is big bucks know when somethings been disturbed. We have over the last several years ran cameras on farms that consistently produce big bucks. Yet the biggest deer don't get their picture taken more than once or so a year, and in many times no pictures of them at all. I believe you shouldn't expect to get the largest deer on the farm on camera, and if your targeting him with cameras he will know it. If you know hes there leave him alone until your ready to hunt him.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: THEBAD</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> The answer is big bucks know when somethings been disturbed. We have over the last several years ran cameras on farms that consistently produce big bucks. Yet the biggest deer don't get their picture taken more than once or so a year, and in many times no pictures of them at all. I believe you shouldn't expect to get the largest deer on the farm on camera, and if your targeting him with cameras he will know it. If you know hes there leave him alone until your ready to hunt him. </div></div>

I think that's a great point especially for VERY large bucks. I have a couple areas that I flat out will not hang a cam or even bowhunt within. I NEVER go in there except to shed hunt. I hunt it's perimeter and if lucky might get a glimpse of him once per year usually during the absolute peak of the rut. I feel like if I bump that area anywhere near season, he'll find a new refuge bringing my chances from slim down to none.
I'm just now looking hard for different mature bucks on the trail cams. Why? Because I'm tagged out and don't really care if they know something is up..before I did.
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