August 3rd, 2012
Much of the Midwest is under the grip of a severe drought yet in most cases our Egyptian Wheat is thriving!
With an easy 4-6 weeks of growing yet it has already completely screened fields already
Every feeding area can be screened to make deer feel more comfortable feeding in daylight hours
Note on the hot 100+ degree days the EW curls up and looks a little like it's on it's last legs, but at night I swear it grows another 6"
On all of these strips I used 200#'s of urea per acre which is not very much on an 8' wide strip, but the nitrogen really makes it grow!
This was planted on sod that hadn't been tilled in 20 years with no lime or P&K (not that adding the other nutrients should not be done...just sayin')
I shoot for 6#'s per acre, hard to do when broadcasting but easy with my drill and keeping the seeding rate down helps insure strong robust stalks that will stand up well this winter
Yet still a thick screen that we cannot see thru
Even 6-8' wide EW screens are impossible to see thru
EW will certainly grow at higher rates but stalks will be much smaller in diameter and much weaker
Given room they will tiller out and thicken with 4-5 stalks rather then one so don't be afraid to keep seeding rates low.
I have seen some folks try switchgrass screens but they simply do not grow tall enough to screen against poachers in a truck ...unless you plan on belly crawling to your blind, no where's tall enough to hide a hunter. EW is unbeatable at solving these problems when it comes to annuals and can be used as an interim screen while permanent screens like conifers, shrubs or miscanthus are a work in progress...