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For any Hunters considering voting for John Kerry

Or in my opinion, the lesser of two evils.
Hey. Clinton wasn't elected with a majority (around 40% or so both times) and the Democrats had eight years with a majority in both houses to do something with the environment and did nothing but give lip service.

Bush is not that unpopular as much as people (opposition) would like to think and he has done more to help Sportsmen and habitat (expanded CRP program).

The "great" economy of the 90's was on Clinton's watch but he did nothing to take credit for it other than being President. Gore couldn't even win after that!!! Kerry is a fake and has very little to run on.

Also, the Western United States is burning up because of a lack of logging and proper forest management. This was a nod to the whacko environementalists from Clinton's and now needs to be changed.

Someone (Kerry) who gambles and bases his entire campaign on 4 months in Vietnam because he can't run on his 30 years in the Senate as one of the most Liberal Senators can't get elected. Also, what a shocking and horrible voting record. Look at the Intelligence Agencies and Military that was drastically cut. It was all voted on by Kerry and now needs to be built up, again. Yes, We're in war and the country is running a deficit. Not bad.

How about Mrs. Heinz as the First Lady. Scary!!

Bush is more of an Outdoorsman than Kerry will ever be or want to be. Bush is honest and not a liar as much as people would like to make him out to be. He's probably made some mistakes but not at the expense of approval ratings or getting re-elected.

Did you see him on TV fishing and talking about wildlife management on his ranch? I do both and he was sincere.

Republicans are not anti-environment. If you want to see anti-environment people, just watch the protesters this week at the Republican Convention. I doubt most of them have ever put one foot in the woods.
Someone you can't trust to vote pro-gun/pro-hunting, you cant trust to do the right thing on any issue.
AMEN winniejoe I'm with you . I like G.W. And Support him and our troops. If the terrorist issue was dealt with by the Clinton admin. we might not have had to be in this war. I'm glad we have a president with a pair of BALLS.
like it or not thats my opinion and I will be at the polls!
Apathy towards your gun/hunting rights is a mistake. It does make a difference who gets elected. There's a lot of legislation that governs your rights to own a gun and how and where you hunt. If you want a tree hugger making laws for you then by all means vote for Kerry. I'd rather not have to resort to a using a slingshot to deer hunt though.
it's really quite simple, voting i mean... step into that booth, pull the curtain, and vote for the canidate that most closely lines up with your value system. i will never find a presidential candidate personally who perfectly alligns with me, he'd never make it that far... do you really think our nation would vote for Abraham Lincoln or his equal today? i can hear the critics now, "That ol' Abe talks way too much about God and His role in our society..."
I'd rather not have to resort to a using a slingshot to deer hunt though.

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- of course it would have to be roundball... none of those fancy centerfire, armor piercing rounds, using a semi-automatic sling

Maybe we ought to stick to hunting related topics afterall...
I guess I am with the minority on here. I don't dislike Kerry for just one oh his opinions. Bush is not all that great either. I actually campaigned for John Edwards and I like his views and who he stands for. If you want the truth, he will get my write in vote. I don't like the other choices for our President of OUR United States. As a Disabled Veteran, I look at a lot more than simply hunting issues.
avidhunter--You have to look past the headlines. He said he would sign it if it hit his desk. He was also putting political pressure on members of both houses NOT to let that happen. I didn't get that from a republican website either. I got that from Howard Dean's website when he thought that it was cool to be anti-gun. Then he found it that it was bad mojo because people like yourself were finding out the truth. Bush doesn't want to see the AWB renewed. Most of the Sheeple don't bother to look past the headlines so pro-gunners like us start to point fingers at Bush.

The fact is, Bush was taking the issue away from the Democrats because he had the ability to say what he said while making sure it never came back from the dead at the exact same time.
I try to stay away from religion and politics. But found this to be very interesting. Might add I've been a UAW member for 35 yrs, and have always voted for the man not the party. HOPE WE'RE ALL REGISTERED TO VOTE REGARDLESS HOW WE VOTE!

Made in Mexico

Shortly after reading the following e-mail content, I happened to look at the label of a jar of Heinz sandwich slice pickles. Yep....Made in Mexico"
Check some of your Heinz products. "Sen. John Kerry keeps talking about U.S. corporations leaving this country and setting up shop in foreign countries, taking thousands of jobs with them. He is right, because that has happened.

However, he is trying to blame it on George W. Bush. As far as I know, Bush has not moved one factory out of this country because he is not the owner of a single factory. That cannot be said about Kerry and his wife, Teresa Heinz-Kerry. According to the Wall Street Journal, the Kerry's own 32 factories in Europe and 18 in Asia and the Pacific. In addition, their company, the Heinz Company, leases four factories in Europe and four in Asia. Also, they own 27 factories in North America, some of which are in Mexico and the Caribbean. 80% of Heinz products are made overseas.

I wonder how many hundreds of American workers lost their jobs when these plants relocated in foreign countries. I also wonder if the workers in Mexico and Asia are paid the same wages and benefits as workers in the United States. Of course they're not. However, Kerry demands that other companies that relocate should pay the same benefits they did in the U.S. Why does he not demand this of the Heinz Company, since he is married to the owner?

If Kerry is elected, will he and his wife close all those foreign factories and bring all those jobs back to America? Of course they won't. They're making millions off that cheap labor.
I guess I am with the minority on here. I don't dislike Kerry for just one oh his opinions. Bush is not all that great either. I actually campaigned for John Edwards and I like his views and who he stands for. If you want the truth, he will get my write in vote. I don't like the other choices for our President of OUR United States. As a Disabled Veteran, I look at a lot more than simply hunting issues.

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Glad to hear that you, like the rest of us look at more than just one issue when choosing a president. Unless you can go out and make an informed decision, you'd be better off staying home. Unfortunately I'm betting there will be a fair amount of people who go out, see the film Farenheit 911 and vote for Kerry based on Moore's propaganda film....
I think most people see Michael Moore for who he is. The "vote for me because the other guy sucks" mentalitly will NOT carry a Kerry win. It's going to take more. I have faith in America.

I tend to vote along 2nd Ammendment lines and some call me a single-issue voter. I don't mind because most staunch defenders of the 2nd Ammendment pass my litmus test for common-sense approaches to most other issues as well. Most 2nd Ammendment warriors in the world of politics hold true to the values that I find important and tend to vote conservatively which is my political sway.

One Ammendment guarantees all others. Ask the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto.

Free men own guns. Slaves don't.
Man, I wish there was a party for fiscal conservative, socially progressive, pro-gun hunters!!!

I think Nader is close on the first two...unfortunately both the Dems and Repubs are either so far left, or totally to the right on most social issues, that it makes me want to puke.

It's also funny to note that the new Republicans are a "Tax Less, Spend More"
Yer hilarious!! It's pretty funny that the Bush team is doing everything they can to make sure Nader is on the ballot in every state...it's like a kick in the ol' family jewels
Yeah, it took me awhile to realize that you simply will not change anyone's opinions on here, on who to vote for in the upcoming election

May as well have some fun
I know I will tick some people off saying this stuff but no matter what anyone says there will always be someone else pissed. But here go's, I like coming to this website cuz I love deer and it gives me (about an hour a day) to read and dicuss deer and hunting and basicly forget about the world outside the website. To see all the political talk kind of makes me mad cuz lets keep talking about deer and hunting and not get so political. There is probably other websites for that you can talk that way...With that being said let me contradict myself, the only thing I am going to say about the Presidential election is the Dumbycrates have conceded the election already. They know Bush's approval rating is to high (or it was a couple months ago when the Dumbycratic Covention was) and that they don't have a chance. They put Kerry up as the sacrificial lamb if you will, knowing he won't get elected. They know W. will get elected and that we"ll be so sick of him after eight years that it will be a shoe in for Hillary Clinton to be the next President!-There I said my peace now I'll sit back and wait for the back lash.
Re: For any Hunters considering voting for John Ke

Ok, I can't see this as going any further and it is doing none of us any good. Lets can the political talk and talk deer and hunting...

I realize this is a election year which is all the more reason to come here to get away from the commercials and other items that surround it.
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