Mississippi Mud Hunter
New Member
Looks like you got the world by the short and curlys TH. Good luck with that.
Sound advice about staying in one school if you can. I went to 4, including SDSU, with a year off mixed in. My first semester was a nightmare academically largely due to being more concerned about hunting then being in class. Don't care what your doing now college is different.
It's been said there are 2 primary parts of the college experience, academics and your social life. Make it 3 if you add a sport. You can only be good at 2 of them.
For what it's worth I don't remember anyone even talking about deer anywhere around Brookings.
X2. The best advice I was given (and unfortunately did not follow) was from my coach in college:
Your a student athlete. There are 3 things you can do in college.
1. Academics
2. Athletics
3. Party
You cant do all three successfully.
I didn't think anything of it when my coach told me that my freshman year. But it is absolutely true and i didnt realize it until it was to late.
I was also a multi-sport athlete in college. Whether its academics or athletics, college is at a different level. You will make each experience your own by how much time and effort you put into it.
In the classroom, courses are more difficult and take way more time out of the classroom (study) to be successful, than any class in high school does.
On the field/pool/court, you were probably the best on your team, conference, state, etc. When you play collegiate athletics, every teammate and opponent was that elite player in high school. It will take a lot more time and practice to compete and be successful. ESPECIALLY trying to compete at a high level in multiple sports. Everyone played 4 sports in high school, so that's not a comparison to college.
You make this experience what you want it, in classroom or on the field. If you are competitor and want to compete and be successful in either, it will most definitely consume most of your free time.
That's just my opinion based on my experience. Just the fact that you asked this question (hunting around each school) most likely means your taking that into consideration with your decision, and you shouldn't. It would be a different story if you were just going to school for academics. Putting athletics into the equation will leave little time for hunting.
It sounds like either school you are considering are close enough to make it back during your breaks to get hunting in. If you have extended breaks.....most sports get to stay back for practice
Enjoy your time in school!!! Have fun and stay on top of your academics. The best friends I have today are those who to college with and played athletics with. You have the rest of your life to enjoy the outdoors!!
Best of luck on your decision!