Found a place to buy Dwarf Chinkapin Oak Acorns!!


PMA Member
Give this guy a call or email if you are looking to buy DCO acorns.
Bob Henrickson
Assistant director of horticulture programs
Nebraska Statewide Arboretum
(402) 472-7855

Note from Robert:
"FYI your partners should be aware that the dco meets its western limit in SE Nebraska. White oak, red, bur, chink, black and blackjack all meet their range limit in Nebraska as well. We try to target all these species, depending on the year. "
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Cool, I'll have to get a hold of him.

Got a question for ya, what is the best way to grow trees from acorns? Other than adequate sun, nutrients, water, etc. I've read about placing them in the fridge etc., do they need to be cold stratified? Any tips are appreciated!
White oaks germinate soon after falling in the fall and require no cold stratification, red oaks will not germinate until spring and do need the stratification. They are very easy to grow when placed in the fridge in damp peat through the winter and planted out that spring.

Good luck!!
White oaks germinate soon after falling in the fall and require no cold stratification, red oaks will not germinate until spring and do need the stratification. They are very easy to grow when placed in the fridge in damp peat through the winter and planted out that spring.

Good luck!!

Ahhhh!! That would explain why those red oak acorns never came back up from the dirt!
I have some tree tubes that the trees died in. I left the tree tubes there all staked in. My idea was to get some good acorns and plant them in existing tree tubes. Sound ok?
Do I need to order acorns from this guy this fall OR do I dare wait til EARLY spring (do you know if I can get in spring)? I ALWAYS do everything possible to AVOID fall projects (yes, even if they are a little more effective) because I just draw the line on work and fully enjoy the fall!!! :)
I plant a few acorns on the way to and from the stand Skip, putting some acorns an inch deep in tubes already up and ready would not take much work I doubt. I would not wait till spring unless they keep them in cold storage for ya, or you could buy them that fall and keep them cold in the fridge till spring. Fall planting is best for white oaks tho.
Yeah give him a shout, he told me he had received some calls and emails and he has emailed me back since so I am not sure what the hold up may be??
He may be out of the office for a bit too. I sent him an email the other day and it has not been returned yet either.
I'm assuming there is a huge cost savings by growing acorns over buying trees, how much do they run?
Not sure of the exact price, but I doubt they are 2-3 bucks an acorn...some DCO's are priced at 8 bucks a pop for the seedlings. Tremendous savings, no transplant shock, and more trees are in store by planting acorns over the seedlings.
They are very easy to grow when placed in the fridge in damp peat through the winter and planted out that spring.

Can simply place a peat tray in the fridge? What kind of spacing do the acorns need?
I place the red oaks in a bag of damp peat in the fridge till spring since they need the cold to break dormancy anyways. You can tell when they are ready cause the tap root will start to break out after a few months or so in the fridge. Whites germinate soon after falling so I plant them out ASAP in the permanent locations...I am sure they could be kept in the fridge if it's almost freezing so it stops their growth.
Just got this reply from Bob..

Thanks Paul, I'll put you on the list and we do collect towards late September. I'll contact the group to let you know what I was able to get. A pound is $10 plus shipping.
This thread is giving me the urge to go look under my Swamp White Oaks. The white oaks in the yard are raining down acorns, so I would guess my SWO's are dropping them too. Granted, not DCO's, but a person sometimes has to make do with what they got. ;)
Hey all I just wanted to say thanks for all the great information you put on these forums about trees. I've been reading all your forums for some time and have enjoyed having you all as teachers. Keep up all the great work and sharing your knowledge. Thanks:way:

Seth Adam