Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Fridays hunt


New Member
I just got the Nikon 50 1.4 lens friday and headed to the blind

A few pictures on the way to the blind



At the blind with the lift with the 1.4, I can take pictures with this lens that I wouldnt get with the stock lens that goes down to 5.6 at 55 mm. When the bucks came by it was getting to dark for the 55 mm lens but no problem with the new 50 mm.





I thought there was going to be a fight, but the one on the right backed down, the big chicken !!


look a deer with an aiming spot !!!

I just got the Nikon 50 1.4 lens

[/ QUOTE ]

It sure takes some beautiful pics Jack! I'd love to have one someday for those low light pics
Great pics. Its always fun to go out and just watch deer during the rut. By the way whats planted in your plot. Right now our turnips and rape are getting hit hard.
We have winter wheat, that seems to be the best sofar and they come into that all the time.

Great day afield Jack, congrats on the great pics! I have been toting a digital camcorder every time I hunt. The memories and images will last long after seasons end. Not to mention that my boys get a kick out of watching what "Dad" saw from the stand.
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