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FSA Frustration


Well-Known Member
I’ve had acreage in crp for 20 years and have had “OK” interaction with fsa and nrcs. I made the mistake of renewing my contract last year for another 10 years. With the renewal came more hoops to jump through to stay in compliance.

Fast forward to yesterday. Because of the ridiculous hoops and the fact they wanted me to mix additional native grasses “weeds” into my awesome switch stand I told them to terminate my contract. Keep in mind this is year one and I’ve received zero money.

The highly competent employee advised I could leave after paying 25% of what I would have received in October. I replied that I havnt been paid , and asked why I had to pay fsa for them not to pay me for the next 10 years. She replied I was paying for her time. Lol. She’s a salaried govt hump who gets paid regardless of whose contract she works on.

Idk. I told her I felt like I was talking to the irs. It’s quasi extortion. Anywho I want as far way from the government as I can get. Sorry to vent.
I hear ya. It was the tone and the superior attitude she conveyed that pissed me off. Not to mention the extortion part. Lol
...I'd go broadcast the forbs. They won't actually take as the switchgrass will out complete. Then you can say with all honesty that you planted them. My 2c.
Agree, some of them would have no idea if it’s switchgrass or a blade of lawn grass ? I’d follow through and do the above.
You know what I want the government off my property. I’ve decided. They’re incompetent and untrustworthy. Want em gone. They wanted 4 additional weeds mixed in. I don’t see the wildlife upside.

I know the games that are played. I’ve known guys who bought seed, sent in receipts, never planted and resold the seed. I at least made an effort. It’s principle at this point.
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We have had similar experiences from my local office. They sent me the map of my CRP, so I did my food plot. They came out and said I couldn’t do a food plot because that was the CRP acres. I showed them the map they sent me- they said no that can’t be right. Made me rip up my plot and replant grasses- but never updated a map or anything.
On my Father In Laws, they fined him for mowing …but the kicker was it was the neighbor that mowed his hay ground. I’m not sure the people are looking at correct things.
We both are working on pulling ours out of contract but going to leave it stand as is.
We put a farm into CRP. Then sold the farm with the condition that the CRP contract had to be upheld, which the new buyer was ok with. We had not taken one single penny. That farm was sold in the winter. May comes around and I get a call from the new owner saying they were going to sue us because now the CRP contract was void. Mind you this was nearly 4 months later. So the previous farmer WHO WAS NOTIFIED of the change and that it was going into CRP planted the field to beans. The CRP had not even been planted yet, mind you. The USDA had not put the farm in the new owners name yet, once again out of my hands. So they said that it was void because someone planted a crop in there. I then told them that the CRP had not even been planted yet. They did not care. I had to pay $200 to terminate the contract because there was now beans planted in there. I even said the CRP had not been planted yet and we could go terminate the beans. Nope they wouldnt allow it.....

So they never put the farm in the other persons name, after they were notified to...
The farmer planted the crop after he was told not too...
The CRP wasn't even put in yet...

And we still had to pay to terminate the contract, EVEN THO we had nothing to do with the process that took place....talk about a kick in the nuts...
It’s the brazen incompetence, lack of flexibility and zero common sense that drives people nuts when dealing with them. They’re robotic, not human.
Buddy of mines dad had a tower blind out in his CRP and got told by someone from the FSA office that that was not allowed. After going round and round and few choice words along with his a$$nine reasons why he couldn't have his blind there he had to buy back like 1/64 of an acre for around 10 bucks in order to keep it where it was. Stupid.
Buddy of mines dad had a tower blind out in his CRP and got told by someone from the FSA office that that was not allowed. After going round and round and few choice words along with his a$$nine reasons why he couldn't have his blind there he had to buy back like 1/64 of an acre for around 10 bucks in order to keep it where it was. Stupid.
Oh my Go#
For stupid !
So many of the farm services agency technicians do not know their own program or have ever looked at the manuals.
Always insist on seeing the policy in writing. Get everything in writing. Also ask for your appeal rights in writing. That will get their bosses attention really quick and will change their attitude. You can appeal anything they do adverse to you. Best part is you get to determine what is adverse to you.
Also you have a representative on the farm services agency board.....raise all the heck with them! they get paid to represent you. The fsa county committee has the authority to overturn almost any of the fsa policy written in Washington DC.
The county committee members have all the power to make things happen. You have rights and don't walk away.
  • Deleted by Hardwood11
  • Reason: No R
So many of the farm services agency technicians do not know their own program or have ever looked at the manuals.
Always insist on seeing the policy in writing. Get everything in writing. Also ask for your appeal rights in writing. That will get their bosses attention really quick and will change their attitude. You can appeal anything they do adverse to you. Best part is you get to determine what is adverse to you.
Also you have a representative on the farm services agency board.....raise all the heck with them! they get paid to represent you. The fsa county committee has the authority to overturn almost any of the fsa policy written in Washington DC.
The county committee members have all the power to make things happen. You have rights and don't walk away.
Fight, fight, FIGHT!
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