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Global warming?

I have a hard time believing it since million of years ago it was warm enough for dinosaurs, Then we had glaciers come through, and now its warm again.
Maybe all the windmills are changing the weather patterns
I think the earth is just going through another weather cycle. The temp pedulum has swung from "Ice Age", past the middle, or what we refer to as "normal" and is on the up swing twords a warmer earth.

Has what man has done to the environment had an effect on the swing? Absolutely, but would this warming be occuring if man was still in the stone age? Absolutely.

If you don't like the weather cycle, hang around a few billion years, it will change.

To everything turn, turn, turn.

I know I'm supposed to keep it short, yeah right, like I can do that, but as a parallel topic, the magnetic poles are shifting more each year. Has man done anything to cause this? I doubt it, it is just the earth being the earth, same as with global warming, but we have added to the global warming cycle.

The 'Bonker
I believe in the cycle theory. It seems some have to turn it into a political issue all the time.

Check out Dr. Elwyn Taylor, he has some excellent theories on the magnetic poles and the weather cycles. Had the pleasure of listening to him at a farm conference last year, very interesting, and from Iowa to boot.
...where can I read some of Taylor's info on the magnetic shift? - I hadn't heard of that...
Definitely not.
Is so did they have Global Warming back in the early 1900's when they had the dust bowl or when they had record highs?
Just a cycle we are in. IF it was not for the deer hunting I would love the warm temps.
Next year when we have 18" of snow on the ground we can all talk about Global Warning again.

Hope you all have very Happy New Year.
Less than 30 years ago they said we were entering another ice age.

The sky is not falling. Get a grip.
Ask the folks out in Denver or out in western KS if they're having any global warming issues this winter. I think they have been up to their eyeballs in cold and snow. It just hasn't hit us like we wished it would for bow season.

Or just ask Kaare if he's been out tanning lately
Putting all polotics aside, I have worked outside for the past 19 yrs, and I can tell you it is getting warmer! Hotter, in the summer!! I cannot believe man has had nothing to do with it. I lived near a big city for awhile. On still summer mornings you could see the cloud of red gunk over the town, and smell it too. Year after yr of this all around the world, cannot be good for the ol-Atomosphere, logic says that. Just bend down and take a whif- from your exhaust pipe!
im not an advocate of Global warming....
just a tought, but do any of you remember what a rainbow means????
global warming results in something that we were promised wouldnt happen ever again......
and i agree with all the posts thus far, just look at the historical weather patterns, in a few years they will probably be telling us we are doomed to die ina fridged climate.......
what ever.....

I have NOT seen any undisputed facts that suggest global warming is real.
Just another ploy to control the masses.

Media Shows Irrational Hysteria on Global Warming

"The Public Has Been Vastly Misinformed," NCPA's Deming Tells Senate Committee

12/6/2006 5:57:00 PM

To: National Desk

Contact: Sean Tuffnell of the National Center for Policy Analysis, 972-308-6481 or sean.tuffnell@ncpa.org

WASHINGTON, Dec. 6 /U.S. Newswire/ -- David Deming, an associate professor at the University of Oklahoma and an adjunct scholar with the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA), testified this morning at a special hearing of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. The hearing examined climate change and the media. Bellow are excerpts from his prepared remarks.

"In 1995, I published a short paper in the academic journal Science. In that study, I reviewed how borehole temperature data recorded a warming of about one degree Celsius in North America over the last 100 to 150 years. The week the article appeared, I was contacted by a reporter for National Public Radio. He offered to interview me, but only if I would state that the warming was due to human activity. When I refused to do so, he hung up on me.

"I had another interesting experience around the time my paper in Science was published. I received an astonishing email from a major researcher in the area of climate change. He said, "We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period." "The Medieval Warm Period (MWP) was a time of unusually warm weather that began around 1000 AD and persisted until a cold period known as the "Little Ice Age" took hold in the 14th century. ... The existence of the MWP had been recognized in the scientific literature for decades. But now it was a major embarrassment to those maintaining that the 20th century warming was truly anomalous. It had to be "gotten rid of."

"In 1999, Michael Mann and his colleagues published a reconstruction of past temperature in which the MWP simply vanished. This unique estimate became known as the "hockey stick," because of the shape of the temperature graph. "Normally in science, when you have a novel result that appears to overturn previous work, you have to demonstrate why the earlier work was wrong. But the work of Mann and his colleagues was initially accepted uncritically, even though it contradicted the results of more than 100 previous studies. Other researchers have since reaffirmed that the Medieval Warm Period was both warm and global in its extent.

"There is an overwhelming bias today in the media regarding the issue of global warming. In the past two years, this bias has bloomed into an irrational hysteria. Every natural disaster that occurs is now linked with global warming, no matter how tenuous or impossible the connection. As a result, the public has become vastly misinformed."


The NCPA is an internationally known nonprofit, nonpartisan research institute with offices in Dallas and Washington, D. C. that advocates private solutions to public policy problems. NCPA depends on the contributions of individuals, corporations and foundations that share our mission. The NCPA accepts no government grants.

I actually heard it was all George Bush's fault.
he also is the reason for Hurricane Katrina.....how dare he.....

(this is laced with sarcasm)
Is global warming happening? Yes.
Are humans the cause? No
The Earth has been slowly warming for the past 1000 years. We don't have as much effect on the climate as the scare mongers lead us to believe.
The Earth is colder now than it was 10,000 years ago.
You always see pictures and hear about glaciers melting, but how many of you even knew that most glaciers are growing in size. Scary news sells more papers and gets all the attention.

The greatest increase in temp. is in Siberia, where the average temp. is -30 degrees C. 2 degrees in the last 100 years.
I hope it is true!

Read something that made me laugh the other day. People crossing the arctic to bring attention to global warming had to turn back because it was TOO COLD! Anybody else read that story?
I have worked outside every day for the last 20 yrs, and I don't care what the Movie Stars or Politicians say one way or the other. They spend most of their time indoors. My thermometer says it's warmer. More extreme swings too. Just saw a world report that this past winter was warmest recorded world wide. When someone gets a cold snap, they always say,"Where's Global Warming?". It's GLOBAL, not just what you have in the backyard now. Also who is to blame? I don't know but just look at the redish gunk in the skies on hot stagnet, summer days. Our pollution can't be a good thing for Nature.
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