Active Member
Just curious if liberty herbicide or glyphosinate is worth the coin compared to glyphosate 41%?
Trying to save money as a burndown against grasses,broadlefs such as milk weed and thistles. Just wondering if I made gyphosate extra strong by doubling up rate would do the trick against tough to kill broadleafs since I'm trying to plant anual sorghum screening in a few days.
Liberty is like 200 bucks for 2.5 gallons. Don't want to pay that if I don't have to.
24d is supposed to have too much residual so it might work against me in this tight time window. Since I'm trying to capitalize on this rain we're getting
Trying to save money as a burndown against grasses,broadlefs such as milk weed and thistles. Just wondering if I made gyphosate extra strong by doubling up rate would do the trick against tough to kill broadleafs since I'm trying to plant anual sorghum screening in a few days.
Liberty is like 200 bucks for 2.5 gallons. Don't want to pay that if I don't have to.
24d is supposed to have too much residual so it might work against me in this tight time window. Since I'm trying to capitalize on this rain we're getting