Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Great Buck

According to the date on the photo......he's dead!
I would guess he will finish out at 145"- 150". 3.5 years old. Not much tine length yet.
Gross 160 for sure ... get after him in October and let us know what he scores then
! Best of luck!!!
I would have to say that he has great tine length. His G2 is at least 10 inches. Hope he sticks around.
I believe the G-2 and G-3 are much longer than they look because the mainbeams are so long. That is a great looking buck I'm thinking he will go in the upper 160's or low 170's. You will have to let us know what he really scores this fall.
nice buck bro but i sure hope you have a cure for the shakes because we all know what happened the last time you pulled back on a shooter behind the house(those arrows fall off easy when the big boys come around). now how bout you be a good little brother and leave that buck alone until i come home over the bye week because he's not that big anyways dont waste your tme!
Well I dont need anymore wounded deer running around behind the house, if you know what I mean.
You guys better hope I do not go there and find him considering you both are out of town. I just figure someone should kill him and since I will be around more often I should probably go out this weekend and hang my stand. If I do kill him I promise to hang him at your Dad's cabin, that seems fair
The only good thing about the "Plow-Boys" are their cheerleaders! Hope Jerry enjoys his new player too!
Couldn't happen to a better team. T.O. should fit right in with that group.
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