


Has anyone seen or tried this product?I always wondered when they would come out with a gum to eliminate morning breath.They state it includes natural pine,chlorophyll and other natural ingredients that mask breath and kill germs in the mouth.Only problem is,I wonder if it taste like chewing on pine needles or drinking a martini?That would be pretty nasty if so.The add says for a free pack log on,for those who are interested.
PaHunter... I don't have morning breath so I guess I don't need to try the product.
Laugh if you will but what I use of an afternoon prior to a hunt is a beer...not several, just one. It seems to work and is refreshing prior to the hunt
Dirtball,I guess you'll be telling us all you wont need their latest and greatest product to hit the shelves this fall? Dump-O-flage,because that dont stink either
But on the serious side,I checked the site out,$3.95 for a pack off free gum? I'm with Shredder,I guess I can suck a beer down at 5am if I have to.
how about this...just grab a coon turd on the way to your stand, they are on fallen logs, especially near water. when the mulberries are ripe, they would carry a fuity flavor. just a pinch between your cheek and gum
Beer before hunting?
Not a good idea if your're a lightweight like me... I just brush my teeth with baking soda before I go.

Have you ever smelled ginseng? It smells exactly like dirt (or a nicer way to put it is earthy.) You can buy ginseng gum at health food stores. That might work as a breath cover up, plus it will give you energy and increase your chi to help you stay on stand longer.
Brush your teeth? That makes them clean doesn't it??????

I just play the wind baby.........
well once again another hunting invention as stupid as the cough silencer and deer-view mirror. hey i got a great idea, how's this sound, a scent-lokker retainer, i think it sounds like it could be a great product. there is not enough scent coming from your breath in the morning to have to cover it up. anyways, about the beer thing, are you sure that just 1 will cover it or should you drink 24 just to be sure. ME LIKES BEER!!!
I like the idea of the ginseng gum,I'll have to look into that,Thanks Kat.I'm always looking for that extra edge when it comes to scent elimination.I really take it to the extreme before a hunt.I also brush with Arm-n-Hammer toothpaste,and rinse with peroxide.And I take chlorophyll tablets all season,which really work well for cleansing internal odors also.This subject is starting to give me a complex,I'm beginning to think I really do stink?I amagine we all do to a buck's sniffer.And with the majority of our scent being released from the head and mouth,I like the ide of a gum to help keep your mouth fresh.
I know skoal has worked for me, wintergreen or copenhagen. Skoal has came out with a Vannila flavor and deer are attracted to vanilla. My uncle fell part in this story. He had a few drinks before an evening hunt out of state in Pa and now he is paralized from the neck down and cant hunt for crap now. I helped him out on this one, He has harvested a few young bucks with it.

We all have our limits.
Sorry to hear about your uncle,alaskan.It really makes you stop and think how dangerous this sport can be when something happens like that to someone close.As far as the chew,thanks but no thanks,I still have all my teeth
and want to keep it that way.
A friend showed up to shoot some targets last week with a can of Apple flavored Skoal. It didn't smell bad in the can but I passed on it.

I'll stick with the baking soda brush up and a shot of Scent-A-Way mouthwash.
Most hunters do not realize that one of the most important body odors to cover is your breath. It is true that the majority of what a deer detects is coming out of your mouth.. Bacteria in your mouth is extremely active, you can brush your teeth but that will only last for 5 minutes. Do carbon masks work?? I have tried the gum, it actually tastes great and will totally eliminate anything on your breath for as long as you want to chew it. Even garlic, cigars, and yes--alcohol. It also has the all important chlorophyll which every hunter should take during hunting season.. Look up Chlorophyll, preferably liquid. Doctors have recommended it for years to help with chronic halitosis(bad breath)and to eliminate body odor. I started using it after my Dr. convinced me.. I was skeptical until I tried it..
Tinks 69.You wouldn't even need to set out scent bombs.When you knew that a buck was comin in and the wind was right just breath.Better hope you are in a tree.