I been bow hunting for two years now on public land and i haven't even got to draw my bow back on a deer yet. Well im sitting in my stand and watch deer about 200 yard away and cant do anything about it they are one privet land i tried calling nothing. Then sunda morning i was walking to my stand and in the field to get to the stand a little basket rack was laying in the fenc line were i walk and of course didn't see him intill i say the white flag. Im siting on a great trail were there are scraps and all sort of signs. I know it takes time but it happen to me last year to. I find out last week that a great buck got taken one the other side of me on privet and th guy said there a bunch of big bucks in the group he saw and of course i getto sit in the stand just to watch them. Sorry i just had to vent thanksfor listening lol