Poast Plus question
I have a 22 acre field of young Switchgrass (1 to 2 years old) that has 5 or 6 types of clovers and alfalfas seeded with it as well - also just 1 year old. This "forbe componant" in theory will feed deer and also be a "bug factory" for pheasants. The problem I have is a fine and wirey "short grass matt" of some type of cool season perenial grass...almost like blue grass or such as well as some brome grass. If I apply poast plus (or an alternative herbicide that you suggest) now - prior to the switchgrass starting to grow, will any residual chemical harm the switch? Note that the cool season grasses as noted above as well as the clovers and alfalfas have started to green up. Or does Poast Plus has zero residual... as it is a foliage contact herbicide?
I realize that I could spray with glyph any time in the next 2 or 3 weeks, and this would kill the target cool season grasses, and not have an effect on the switchgrass...but I also feel that it may damage or kill the young forbes, which I want to preserve.
I am located in Southern Wisconsin. Thanks for your input.