I think guys are being a little quick to judge here because of the word 'rifle'. .
I may have a different outlook. I'm not necessarily ONLY responding to the word rifle or a new bullet.... I'm responding, more-so, to the big picture.... Every year we get a NEW WEAPON proposed, a change to our seasons, more time for more deer to be killed and more people with more lethal weapons out killing them. Every year it's a Liberalizing of the season. It's RARELY, IF EVER, THE OTHER WAY AROUND.... Shortening the seasons, etc. My point is this.... The season is basically 4 months long now, that's 1/3rd the frigin year deer are being shot at. You have youth season, bow, early ML, shotgun 1, shotgun 2, late ML. That's allowing: shotguns, crossbows during late ML & for senior & disabled, ML's, bows and pistols. That's a total of 5 weapons currently. That is 6 different deer seasons across 4 months. How on earth can a rationale and sane person not think that's enough????? If you don't have enough killing choices, opportunities and time to go hunt deer in Iowa with 4 months, 5 weapons & 6 deer seasons - it is NOT the job of the legislature & DNR to solve your time/weapon problem. The other main point.... That's NOT THEIR GOAL!!!! The goal is NOT to give you more choices!!! This is coming from Special Interests who pass this garbage to the Legislatures (who they either lobby or donate to) to push to the public with the motive of, for example: killing off the "worthless & costly deer" or to "sell more products" (Crossbows, tags, rifles, guns, WHATEVER). That's the big picture folks need to understand!!!!!
Again folks, SMALL DEER HERD, 5% timber in our state, NR's owning probaby a HUGE % of the ground in the timbered part of states, access being extremely hard right now, getting a buck to maturity increasingly difficult. Do we want to play games with our troubled system as it sits? Do we really want to take regulation changes every year from Special Interests? I sure don't. Let's see a bill to TAKE AWAY one of the 6 deer seasons!!!! How about instead of 4 months, all seasons are shortened by 15%? How about if they proposed a one buck rule? I'm not saying I'm for all these - I'm pointing out, we rarely, if ever see Conservative & CONSERVING laws that better our deer herd. Leave the frigin regulations the heck alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!