We either leave these regulations alone, PERIOD or we just keep going down these roads yearly.
I'd like to propose a bill to simply speed up the process of all this stuff. 4 months, 5 seasons and 4-5 weapon types is NOT NEARLY ENOUGH!!! There's so much ground as well that doesn't even get hunted in the state, competition for hunting land is so light you basically can hunt anywhere. We sure can't say "no" to any emotional words like "opportunity", "bringing more hunters into the sport", "who are you to tell me how & what I should hunt with", "other states allow hunting for velvet horned bucks, why shouldn't we?", etc, etc.
My proposal..... Semi-Automatic Rifle season, it starts July 1. It runs through March 20th. There's a 1 day break for Christmas where only bolt action rifles can be used. During these seasons, any other weapon can be used, bow, spear, crossbow, snares, trip wire (with tannerite configured explosives), poison darts, lawn Jarts, pits with spears or tigers in the bottom, Mustard Gas & there will be a commitee that will "OK" any other weapon type. We need more opportunities! We need guys to finally hunt the millions of acres no one bothers hunting. We need to bring Iowa's deer herd of 50 million under control.
We either STOP MESSING WITH REGULATIONS or let's just OPEN ER WIDE UP!!!!! Go big or go home!!! If you're not for any of my proposals, you're not for people having opportunities! You're also Racist, sexist and likely a Homophobic Antisemitic Biggot.