NRLO's would write a check for $5k every 2nd or 3rd year so fast it would make your eyes peel if they could be assured they will be drawn every third year.
Year one=Normal Draw FAIL TO DRAW (Purchase $5k tag instead)
Year two=Normal Draw FAIL TO DRAW (Purchase $5k Tag instead)
Yea three=Normal Draw SUCCESSFUL DRAW @ $500
5,000+5,000+500= $10,500/3=$3,500/year to hunt a big buck
There, I just solved everyones bitchin and made Ioaw DNR some money. If you dont wanna pay, you cant play and must wait it out.
If someone can afford $2,300/acre or MORE they can certainly write a check for $5k. Ever been on a guided hunt of any kind? $5k is nothing for most of these guys to hunt moose, elk, or caribou. Iowa Whitetail rank right up there.
Truth is, money is relative to what you earn and what your obsessions are. It's also relative to whats in your bank account.
My friend drives a BMW but lives in a trailer.
Oh wait a minute, did I just describe the governors tag concept??? YEP! I sure did!