I follow Saskguy on IG. Still hunting down big ol bucks, piling up antlers, catching slob fish and trapping like crazy. His boys are hell on wildlife as well.I wasn't on as early as some but I joined in 2008 at the ripe age of 15. I learned ALOT from some guys way more successful than I'll ever be just from reading everything I could on here. I wouldn't be where I am now as a hunter without those early years on IW. Somewhere along the line I forgot a password or something and had to start a new account. Anyone know what happened to guys like sureshot, Saskguy, etc. ?
I joined around the same time and age. I read everything on here. Those first few years I was on this site was awesome. Seems a lot more photos etc were shared back then. I too wonder where some of those frequent posters on here went, I can't remember all their names anmore, Liv4rut, THA4, etc. I believe sureshot is chris duncan that runs trophypursuit now.I wasn't on as early as some but I joined in 2008 at the ripe age of 15. I learned ALOT from some guys way more successful than I'll ever be just from reading everything I could on here. I wouldn't be where I am now as a hunter without those early years on IW. Somewhere along the line I forgot a password or something and had to start a new account. Anyone know what happened to guys like sureshot, Saskguy, etc. ?
Forgot about Liv4Rut. Killed some hammers and always had some good stories.I joined around the same time and age. I read everything on here. Those first few years I was on this site was awesome. Seems a lot more photos etc were shared back then. I too wonder where some of those frequent posters on here went, I can't remember all their names anmore, Liv4rut, THA4, etc. I believe sureshot is chris duncan that runs trophypursuit now.
Get togethers? Skip I think its time we revisit this!!!!!!!!!!!!Joined in 2000. Seen a lot of people come and go. Miss some of the git togethers we would have during the classic or during the summer.
Almost forgot about Loneranger. Must've got stuck in one of the cracks in his groundI joined in 2013 when I first moved here. 10 years on this page, had to get a new name like others. I remember Dbltree would post nearly daily but Im pretty sure that was near the time he got sick. I lurked for a while and just looked at the harvest page, I would read every story and look at every photo with my mouth on the floor. Truly amazing some of the giants that have been posted on this page that the world has never seen. I believe this site has the best deer hunters in all of the world on it. The knowledge that is or has been here is crazy.
Remember the guy that always was in a drought? Always complained that he would never get rain? He made it sound like mother nature intentionally was skipping him. He was a trip!
I really hope this site never goes anywhere, I still find myself looking back at food plot stuff or old harvest stories...good times
I thought it might be because he was on my ignore listAlmost forgot about Loneranger. Must've got stuck in one of the cracks in his ground
Almost forgot about Loneranger. Must've got stuck in one of the cracks in his ground
I really can’t cook! It’s just a front…… lolHave you guys not went and seen the new Grand Canyon in Iowa?
I’m with TMayer we need to have a annual potluck or something. Obviously Ishi will be required to attend with food.
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There was also a guy that posted every scientific study he could find on CWD. I think his name was Flounder. I think his only posts were on CWD.Almost forgot about Loneranger. Must've got stuck in one of the cracks in his ground
ya and it was in some language I did not understand.There was also a guy that posted every scientific study he could find on CWD. I think his name was Flounder. I think his only posts were on CWD.
Wasn't there a young guy that thought he was a hunting and fishing pro that went by T-man or something like that? Always starting crap on here.
Yep, he's on the site under another username I believe. I noticed it when he had T-250 for president under his avatar but he changed that. Looked it up and seen it was him, can't remember his new username. at the moment. I know he was booted off the site years ago.Wasn’t it something like T250?