Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

How Much Time Spent?

I've enjoyed every minute of every hour and I have been in the stand MANY!

Mature bucks? All depends on one's opinion. Passed on one I maybe shouldn't have, twice.
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As this will probably be the last post,,and I started it,,I just want to agree with the last reply. No matter how many hrs I enjoyed them all. As to what is mature. I would say 3 yrs on up. Yearlings and two yr olds are just kids,,,really.
I have no idea how many hours I've spent in the stand this year but I do know its a lot. Been hunting since october 1 and been out at least twice a week two sits a day since then. Had 9 days vacation with 4 of them dark to dark sits. the others I was in the stand for all but 2 hours for lunch. I saw quite a few mature bucks, 4 years or older, most within a 3 day time frame. It seemed as though the constant SE winds wouldn't allow me to get setup correctly to intercept one. I guess thats how it goes sometimes though. I have definitely enjoyed every day of hunting but can't say I wasn't frustrated a time or two. I did end up in the right place in the right time once and got a shot on the biggest deer of my 8 years of bow hunting. However, as I've already posted. I didn't check my equipment prior to hunting that day and when I shot my arrow veered way right and buried into the femur. Found out later a strand was broke on my string. Don't how it happened but it was enough to throw my shot off. After 4 days of searching and covering 700 acres I gave up.

I'll go out this weekend and try and shoot a couple doe with the muzzy and then 2 weeks later it will be time to grab the bow again and get back at it.:)
I have about 180 hours so far, I wouldn't say deer numbers were down in my area at all but rather the thousands of acres of standing corn had a huge affect on deer movement and mature bucks sightings.

My trail cams so pretty high doe populations on both farms, plenty of bucks of all ages but very high nocturnal.
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