If you didn't get to hunt LM then how would you propose to hunt the 2nd archery split. .......You have the time to hunt or you don't. There are doe tags available or their arn't....
I had oodles of time, and two unfilled archery tags. I cannot physically draw my bow in the cold, but because I’m not “disabled” I’m not eligible for a crossbow.
Even 12 weeks of weight lifting class didn’t help. It’s not for lack of trying.
I’d personally prefer to put limits on the power a crossbow has to keep them more on par with the compound bows, but this is likely unenforceable and a silly option as well.
The 5 acre farm we hunt late season has 30-40 deer on it nightly. The farmer wants us to kill deer.
It’s not like crossbow is going to result in more tags sold, so I don’t understand the argument. You can shoot deer with a bow late season because you have tags and muscle. I have tags for late season bow but I can’t use them because of a physical disadvantage. I’m NOT the only one, and women like me are the fastest growing segment of the hunting sport across all species.
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