A good liberal friend of mine was TALKING about climate change with me….
Agreed we need renewable resources. We need less pollution. We need clean water. We need balanced ecosystems including wildlife of course. Regenerative farms that actually get BETTER vs “sustainable”.
Here’s one concern I expressed…. I hear the “left” talk about this & we have all heard this for years. While the “lefty elites” fly on jets, consume, continue to build & buy houses on the ocean coast (thought they were going underwater soon????). I know very few liberals actually doing something about any of this. Maybe they drive a Prius. Maybe they eat less meat. But they usually aren’t doing anything to actually fix things.
While on the other hand…. I know countless CONSERVATIVE CONSERVATIONISTS actually fixing things….. building organic matter that holds carbon. Stopping erosion. Planting thousands of trees (I know endless folks who do this and this does make a difference on large scale). We look at worldwide how hunters protect land for every creature…. Africa, Europe, N America…. Every continent there’s wildlife & people it’s hunters pulling huge amounts of weight conserving & improving the earth. The tax on ammo & so on is staggering!!!! Billions!!! For conservation & wildlife. Our tag revunue going towards wildlife. It’s insane the impact hunters have on conservation. It’s insane how little credit they get & how the liberals claim that as their cause & “pat on the back”. Talk is cheap, action is everything. Hunters deserve a lot more credit & the more we understand their role, the more we can improve the planet with the right actions. Not just talk & wasting tax payer $. I don’t mean to make this a right vs left “argument” or even an argument at all. There’s actually a ton of data & information on this for those willing to see the facts. One of a billion articles, studies & info on it….
Agreed we need renewable resources. We need less pollution. We need clean water. We need balanced ecosystems including wildlife of course. Regenerative farms that actually get BETTER vs “sustainable”.
Here’s one concern I expressed…. I hear the “left” talk about this & we have all heard this for years. While the “lefty elites” fly on jets, consume, continue to build & buy houses on the ocean coast (thought they were going underwater soon????). I know very few liberals actually doing something about any of this. Maybe they drive a Prius. Maybe they eat less meat. But they usually aren’t doing anything to actually fix things.
While on the other hand…. I know countless CONSERVATIVE CONSERVATIONISTS actually fixing things….. building organic matter that holds carbon. Stopping erosion. Planting thousands of trees (I know endless folks who do this and this does make a difference on large scale). We look at worldwide how hunters protect land for every creature…. Africa, Europe, N America…. Every continent there’s wildlife & people it’s hunters pulling huge amounts of weight conserving & improving the earth. The tax on ammo & so on is staggering!!!! Billions!!! For conservation & wildlife. Our tag revunue going towards wildlife. It’s insane the impact hunters have on conservation. It’s insane how little credit they get & how the liberals claim that as their cause & “pat on the back”. Talk is cheap, action is everything. Hunters deserve a lot more credit & the more we understand their role, the more we can improve the planet with the right actions. Not just talk & wasting tax payer $. I don’t mean to make this a right vs left “argument” or even an argument at all. There’s actually a ton of data & information on this for those willing to see the facts. One of a billion articles, studies & info on it….

How Hunting Contributes to Wildlife Conservation
In addition to providing funding for state agencies that help conserve habitat, hunters also play an active role in wildlife management.