I have very similar feelings to what has already been expressed. I welcome NR's who come to Iowa to enjoy a special hunting opportunity and respect the resource and the people here and so forth. I do get annoyed though when a NR comes on this site, or others like it, and starts calling Iowan's names, berating our deer management practices, threatening or impyling legal action to get their way and otherwise pitching a fit. Consequently, I reserve the right to reply to that type of claptrap, although lately I mostly read and ignore those posts out of respect of the site and it's administrators. ( I do not want to see this site degenerate, like so many others have, into a big mudslinging mess. I do think healthy, constructive debate is a good thing though and I welcome that.)
If our deer management was so bad here in Iowa then I doubt there would be a "line forming" to come here and sample it. Nor would there be great arguments over who gets to hunt when and how, etc. I am not even saying that all of our regulations were intentionally set to produce quality bucks, but accidentally or otherwise, the effect is that they have. This stands in stark contrast to other states and contributes to people wanting to come here for what they should be able to get at home. To me then, it only stands to reason that Iowa would be well advised to continue to do things just a bit differently than everyone else.
As far as being a NR elsewhere... Yes, I have hunted out of state and enjoyed doing so. But do you know what... I abided by the rules set forth by those states and have never gone on other web-sites making a jerk out of myself to get those states to change their rules to suit me better! I trust their judgment and right to make rules that suit them and allow us as NR's the opportunity to also participate.
As far as the implied legal actions that some continue to allude to... I say quit yapping about it and "get 'er done". You might find that it isn't as simple as some would make it out to be. Good luck anyway.
In the end, I sincerely hope that NR's and R's alike can use this site as it is intended, cooperatively. I hope all of the name callers and pot stirrers get tired and take their act elsewhere.