MN is now the 4th highest taxed state in the nation, and our governor (Dayton) who recently raised taxes again.... has his wealth in a trust fund in South Dakota to avoid taxes. Any (D) on here, can try to explain that one to me.
Unfortunately most all politicians are hypocritical disconnected lying fools regardless of their party. It's amazing how much common sense both parties lack. America needs a miller high life wake up call.
I'm sooooo glad you asked.
I do not believe in "sharing the wealth". I work hard for my money and I do not care to share it with individuals who do not. I shouldn't have to fully support people who do not make an effort in life.
I too work hard for my money. But I also realize that living in this country is not free. Assisting people who are less fortunate than I am is only part of where my tax money goes. The military gets a good portion of it. So do government pensions and public education.
I do not believe is the estate death tax. People paid taxes all their lived and because they were successful democrats think they are owed another piece of the pie.
Again, national defense, education and others are an ongoing expenditure.
I do not believe in taking away my guns nor do I believe you should monitor for the purpose of invading my privacy later on. Look at NY and CA for examples. ask the bets what happened in NY in early Fenruary.
Nor do I believe in gun control. Of any kind. And I fight it when ever I get the chance. I am also strongly against any kind of data mining (spying) or any other form of invasion of privacy. We lost that fight when the Patriot Act was passed in 2001. That thing should go away.
I do not support unions. These were needed years ago, but not now. All they do now is inflate job costs. If we didn't have government prevailing wage contracts imagine how much money would be saved. These unions are also protecting unfit workers from being fired and promising unattainable union benefits based on their current financial status.
Pertaining to unions...I am on the fence. There are situations where they are unwarranted and do cause the issues you listed above. Conversely, I have been in situations where a union would have helped prevent what I consider to be a "fleecing of the work force" if you will.
We do need a strong military and Obamas stance is a complete joke. We are the laughing stock right now. Somebody buzzes my destroyers' tower and that SOB would be shark bait very quick!
We have a strong military. Just because someone laughs at me does not make me weak. Please keep in mind what our deficit is. What do you think will happen to it if we go to war with Russia? We are still fighting in the middle east as well. You think your taxes are bad now. Lets get into it with them and see who pays for it. It won't be the people you say aren't making an effort. There are a lot of other things to consider besides getting laughed at by the rest of the world when it comes to making decisions like that.
I believe in a free enterprise system. There are winners and loser in life and that needs to run its course. The strong survive and that's better for everyone. Yeah so govt ran health care is a brilliant idea........
Yes, there are winners and losers. And yes, the strong survive but that isn't necessarily good for everyone. Might does not make right.
Since you would like to comment on healthcare I will answer that one too. I do believe in healthcare for EVERYONE. We can't call ourselves the greatest country on earth if we don't take care our citizens.
I believe in the death penalty and harsher penalties in general. People need to think twice before committing violent crimes and the best deterrent is making examples out of people who commit similar crimes.
I would agree with that but I'd like to make the following addendum to include white collar criminals. If you steal money and ruin hundreds of peoples lives....death penalty. It's no different than attacking someone.
So now tell me why your a democrat and how you can justify those beliefs above. Tell me why you deserve my money, guns, privacy? Why is big government better than same? Why should people not pay for their crimes, why should the for bail out business?
Religion and politics. ........................................................................ .................................................
Mobile Cooter
[*]I, personally don't need your money. But in order for our country to function, you have to pay your taxes. [*]I also don't need your guns (I have my own) nor do I care what you do in the privacy of your home. [*]I would prefer a smaller government. Let me ask you this, have you heard of the invisible hand of the market? The idea that professional athletes only make what they do because the market for them supports it? Why do we have a government the size that we do then, if we don't support it? [*]People should pay for their crimes. More people should pay for their crimes. Lets not forget that corporations are people too. How about a little jail time for those "people"? Think PG and E out in California.... [*]The TARP program was actually started under a different name, during the 80's (remember the savings and loan crisis under Reagan?) but the one you're thinking of was initiated by Bush. I would like to say this in closing: I am a democrat. I don't always agree with everything other democrats are doing but most of the time I do. Do I fight them when I think they are out of line? Yes. But at the end of the day I find that the values supported by this party are closer in line with what I think than those represented by other political parties. Thanks for playing.
You must work in some form of gov't.
Our education system is a major failure. This is because of unions protecting unfit educators IMO. Give incentive to be successful, not reward status quo
The estate tax is a joke. Many family farms lost because of it
Very few family farms and small businesses are affected by the estate tax. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that with a $2 million exemption, only 123 farms per year in the U.S. would owe any estate tax, and the number of small businesses is similarly small. In 2001, the New York Times reported that American Farm Bureau Federation (who was in favor of repealing the estate tax) could not cite a single case of a family farm lost due to the estate tax.
On average, those few small business and farm estates will owe only 14 percent of the estate, so it is unlikely they will have to sell the business or farm. Plus, they can spread any payments over 14 years. They also benefit from special use valuation, and minority interests and marketability discounts.
The estate tax is a joke. Many family farms lost because of it
I agree most issues at school are due to lack of parenting and home life, but the previous is related to a direct assault , by dems looking for votes, on the family unit, moral & ethical guidance provided by a unified family, the church, schools, law enforcement, or any other authoratative body. The result is split families being supported by the government in exchange for votes. As we know dems want more entitlement projects; while repubs want less. This endeavor is a well planned and patient endeavor that has been taking place for many years by breaking down our moral fabric constructed by solid families and christian values, by which our country was founded upon, to employ liberal ideaology that has a track record around the world of failing. Go figure?