Thinkin Rut
PMA Member
I am going to continue to vote for conservatives so iabwhntr has the freedom to vote democrat.
I am going to continue to vote for conservatives so iabwhntr has the freedom to vote democrat.
Where's the like button for SaskGuys post? I have said it here before, the blind allegiance to the two parties is holding this country back if not seriously hurting it. Also, to those of you who have something to really worry about in relation to the estate tax. You have my deepest sympathy.
As for citing a flawed society for what's wrong in education. Interesting as the society got flawed from entitlement that was set forth from which party???
I apologize but your disregard for estate taxes and downplaying how many affected is like Obama talking about the cost of obamacare.
People forget that upon death fair market value is established for all assets to determine worth. The farms are sold because the deceased wasn't liquid enough to pay the taxes due 9 months after death.
Small business is also greatly affected as the balance sheet means nothing to the businesses worth.
As for citing a flawed society for what's wrong in education. Interesting as the society got flawed from entitlement that was set forth from which party???
What? No wonder you don't like entitlements. Public education failed to teach you proper sentence structure and how to use deductive reasoning... Sorry Pat, I there was no way I was going to let that monster get by!Try it again. I want to know what your thought process is on this one.
Democrats have done a very good job of securing votes for the future. They give out free stuff to people in exchange for votes and it works!
I'm not a Christian. I must be bad for society. Lol I also believe in the death penalty and tougher sentences in general. I could care less if someone is gay. I believe people on welfare should be forced to take food stamps and other papers for clothing etc instead of getting cash. I'm happy with our health care system as is. I wouldn't be sad if my union disappeared. I'm on the fence about gun control issues. I think too much entitlement exists. I think the education system in na should look to Finland for ideas. I don't believe my culture to be better than anyone else's. I dislike that our govt is more interested in giant corporate money than the environment. Honestly, where would I fit there?
Sask, no one said non-Christians are bad, but the United States, it's moral foundation, rules and laws are based in Christianity. I'm not a holy roller either but for decades now liberal politicians and activists have fought to destroy that foundation. A society minus rules, laws, and moral lines is destined to die. Maybe Canadians see it differently?
Can you cite any specific liberal politicians or even any laws that were introduced by liberals that have done that? Even if you can't produce any evidence, what end do you think they are trying to achieve by destroying this country?
Socialism is what our current administration would like.
Do you realty believe that? Cuba and North Korea are examples of that. Truthfully, I get a kick out of Americans labelling Canada a socialist country (not saying you are)but it happens, as it simply shows how little they know about their neighbor to the north. Sorry for the hijack.
Forgive me for my ignorance, I do not live there. What types of large government programs do you see as a socialist? I personally believe that many of the world's best nations use a combination of capitalist and socialist ideas, with capitalist being dominant obviously. I apologize of I seem antagonistic, not trying to be. I am jut a guy that sees the merit in debate for it often brings awareness to the odd thing one doesn't necessarily think of.