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IBA members sound off

Randy Taylor, President of IBA and darn proud of it and all the people associated with it.They don't come any better.
To all that support the IBA. With your support we'll all be able to enjoy our sport for many years to come.More importantly my grandkids will too.

Great post Tee
Many years. I have even kept my membership while living in MN for the last 10+years
I really liked the fall festival this year. There were some really nice door prizes. My cousins boy won one of the custom long bows that Grant donated. What a great guy for doing that for the kids. Not sure that I like the shoot off at the end though. It doesnt seem right for the guys that travel a long distance and are only there for Sat. Not that it matters for me, I didn't even turn in my score card this year.
Been a member since somewhere around 1979, getting too old to remember for sure. Served as an area rep for a while.
Come on guys......how bout some new members posting up. It's a measley $20.00 that will go miles, did I mention MILES, further than any magazine subscription. Bonus to, you won't read anything close to Bonkers World in something you pickup at the market.
PM me your address and I'll send you a couple back issues.Membership chairman is in Texas, his Mom isn't doing so good.Please be patient with your membership.
Read my first Bonker's World last night....HILARIOUS.

Are there any clubs or area reps in the Dubuque area?
Being on this site is the first I've heard about the IBA.
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