Love this!!!!! Maybe no surprise to any!!!
I have my “reality list” & “dream list” …. & initially, reality is gonna come across like a “dream list” but it’s not. All these are extremely doable & could get majority support.
#1 would sound most controversial & sound like dream list. It’s not. Yes, of all of them, #1 would need the most “WORK” or “education” but it could be done. & something along these lines is the pendulum swinging other way….. it’s swung one way , way too long.
1) reduce all deer seasons by 25%. YA, I SAID IT!!!!! 4.5 months of deer season on a herd that’s down double digits in last 10-15 years & “75% of state” being “way too low” for deer #’s is crazy. “Oh my gosh, this lunatic is proposing only having deer season for 3.5 months!!!” YES!!! I’m saying 3.5 months is what we need to dial it back to!!! Take 25% off every season so every group is equally impacted. For example… around the 25%-ish mark…
Youth season is 13 days vs 17.
Archery season is 75 days-ish vs 100.
Gun 1 is 4 days vs 5
Gun 2, 7-8 days vs 10.
Late ML: 15 days vs 21 or whatever
YES- I’d like to see all this get condensed with no shifting of gun season dates (or make opener like Dec 5 of every year) & wrap the season up around Jan 1 or soon after.
I would tweak above based on the looseness of it and the obstacles it would face. Little tweaks could get this done. Like “gun 1 must start on a weekend” - whatever.
Bottom line: 4.5 months, 7 seasons & 6+ weapons with <8% timber COULD easily be worked to 3.5 months.
2) celeb tags gone. Dnr keeps tags to auction off. Funds used for paying landowners for walkin hunting. With promotion pushing state towards a 7 year wait time to draw- no more promotion (getting millions of views). The funds created would be: $500,000 to $700,000 at auction (based on recent prices) @ $10/acre incentive: 50,000 to 70,000 more acres opened up. This is what we call a WIN/WIN/WIN!!!!!!!!!
3) max antlered deer shot for LO’s: 2. Make one floating. Do a lot shoot 3? NO. Do we need 3? NO. Needs changed.
4) crossbows kept in own season (the same season as ML). Keep it for disabled, injured & seniors Basically ….. JUST LEAVE US ALONE SPECIAL INTERESTS!!!!!!!!!!
5) public lands- lottery or sign up for timeframes to hunt. Managed pressure. So they do not get destroyed.
6) grow movements in other states so they fix their broken system. Thus alleviating the pressure to overwhelm our fragile system.
7) farmers that complain about deer #’s can be added to a list on DNR’s website where public can access these parcels (walk-in) to shoot does/deer. This is an EASY FIX!!!! Complain- get on list. Opens access to hunters as well!!!
1) ban outfitting
2) 1 buck for res. 2 for LO’s
3) crossbow companies indicted for bribery, their lobbyists fined x10 for all money paid to them. When found guilty in the kangaroo court…. Forced to plant trees & native grasses & other conservation work on their chain-gang work outside of jail.
4) all legislators who were bought off by special interest outsiders (LO tags to sell off to highest bidder for example), removed from office & indicted on 97 “bogus charges” where we again use our kangaroo or banana republic like courts to find guilty & toss in jail.
5) legal authority to have all states in Midwest adopt mirroring regulations to iowa.
6) hmmmm. Now that I’m dreaming here…. I better just stop.