Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


Do you eat it valves and all? I assume their heart is much the same as ours. The thought of eating a valve and the chordae tendineae (little tendons that hook to the papillary muscle to open a couple of the valves) about makes me nauseous. That would be one tough piece to chew.

The 'Bonker

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I don't eat the valves, just trim all that off. cut in 1/4-1/2 inch slices and fry. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.
I have heard that the heart in a crock pot is to die for.
Anyone ever read the Stephen Ambrose book about Lewis and Clark? I think the name of the book is "Corp of Discovery". The book has an account of deer that was consumed raw. They were so hungry they just skinned the critter on the spot and ate the warm bloody meat. The Indians with them (Shoshone I believe) ate the intestines raw, squeezing the contents out as they chewed. Good book, not much for recipes though.
I like the heart also, the liver I can do with out. I just cook mine in butter with salt & pepper, very good. I did eat it raw once! There's an outfitter in Cananda that I hunted with a couple times, one of there traditions was when you shot a buck you had to eat a bite of the heart (raw) after a brief ceremony
Do you eat it valves and all? I assume their heart is much the same as ours. The thought of eating a valve and the chordae tendineae (little tendons that hook to the papillary muscle to open a couple of the valves) about makes me nauseous. That would be one tough piece to chew.

The 'Bonker

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I'm with you Bonk! Makes me want to puke just thinking about nawing on those tendons.
I usually save the heart and grind into the burger. As for the liver, I allways take a bite of it raw and fresh. It let's me become one with the animal.
As for the liver, I allways take a bite of it raw and fresh.

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That right there made me throw up in my mouth a little bit. Nice avatar though Jay!
I think the heart is delicious. If you cook it right it isn't tough at all. It's funny when I eat leftovers for lunch at work. Everyone asks what it is and when I tell them it's heart they more than not gag a little- especially when I offer them a bite.
deer heart is good, i ain't had it in years though. maybe this year i'll change that.
when I tell them it's heart they more than not gag a little- especially when I offer them a bite.

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you don't offer it to them on that toilet seat do ya?????
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