Life Member
I understand that there are challenges.
I think that maybe you should look at this from another view... regional banquets would provide growth in numbers and dollars which in turn would create self sufficient regional chapters that could organize and run their own regional banquet each year. Regional banquets would create "help" and "numbers."
"Maybe in the future we can grow enough to allow it?" The regional banquets are exactly what would create growth!
So it would suck for the first year when the IBA board has to organize multiple regional banquets, but after that they would take off by themselves.
Just my thoughts. I want the IBA to thrive and have a strong voice regarding deer hunting in our state. The IBA needs $$$ and numbers.
This is a way to do just that.
We are always on the lookout for good Area Reps ( a position we already offer - they are extremely helpful)
Are you volunteering to help?