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Iowa Cell Camera rules

Just got off phone with a buddy who works for a County Parks and he said a few years ago they decided to follow all the State land rules to keep things uniform so they would not be allowing them on his public pieces. I could see where this would get confusing.
Sounds like it’s still left up to some interpretation, put it on paper and be done. They could make it black & white, absolutely no reason they dont
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources has tabled its proposed policy position regarding trail cameras on public land to allow for more public input on the issue during its wildlife rules meetings, held across the state in February. There are no changes to how trail cameras can be used on public land during the 2024-25 seasons.
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources has tabled its proposed policy position regarding trail cameras on public land to allow for more public input on the issue during its wildlife rules meetings, held across the state in February. There are no changes to how trail cameras can be used on public land during the 2024-25 seasons.
Wow, they must have had a shi# load of calls?

Any tabling of Party hunting ??
I’m retired from LE. 25 years. To trace technology means the issuance of subpoenas to cell phone companies etc. This has to be done through a county prosecutor who has to agree to pursue the case and who has bigger fish to fry than a cell cam. So, say they get the records. Now you gotta prove the pic, technology, aided in the harvesting of the animal
And so on. It’s a big effort. The easy way to do it is ban the cell cams, period. If one is found it’s in violation.
I talked to a Warden yesterday. He told me it was use in active participation of your hunt. You could have cameras on the farm or another farm sending photos as long as they weren't giving you real-time information of deer heading to you. I think if your using them correctly should be no worries

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I’m retired from LE. 25 years. To trace technology means the issuance of subpoenas to cell phone companies etc. This has to be done through a county prosecutor who has to agree to pursue the case and who has bigger fish to fry than a cell cam. So, say they get the records. Now you gotta prove the pic, technology, aided in the harvesting of the animal
And so on. It’s a big effort. The easy way to do it is ban the cell cams, period. If one is found it’s in violation.
We get requests daily- takes about 5 minutes to get records. But yes- pain in a lot of different ways, just not hard and getting easier everyday to do. The cell cam companies need to just make the cameras only send at 12 pm/am option. Problem solved, or as you say, bam them all together but I think that’s a harder fight for the DNR
What is active participation?? If I get a pic, run to the stand near the cam and shoot the deer in 5 min. Ok. Good argument. What if I go to the stand and shoot the deer one or two hours later? It’s too subjective. Has little bite. Never hold up in court
What is active participation?? If I get a pic, run to the stand near the cam and shoot the deer in 5 min. Ok. Good argument. What if I go to the stand and shoot the deer one or two hours later? It’s too subjective. Has little bite. Never hold up in court
I dont disagree. Personally I have 0 issue with cell cams. I dont use them to hunt over and I dont feel they give more advantage than any other of the advancements at our disposal.

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Honestly, what an embarrassing shit show for the commission.

Between this and the party hunting "simplification", it seems like everyone involved would have been better served with these issues out in the open, announced well in advance for public comment. Instead between here and a couple facebook groups, I'm seeing 8 different posts that amount to "My CO said X in this county, but make sure to talk to your CO in Y county."

The legislature needs to be passing clear laws and not leaving it up the agency/commission with room to "interpret". If the commission is having to go back and clarify laws and change actions that were otherwise legal for 5, or 10, or 20 years prior, this should be a giant red flag. I've said it before- but I know there are some that are happy with this, but give it time, and there will be some "simplification because of executive order" that's going to negatively effect you.

I'm 100% in favor of dumping cell cameras, on public and private, but this process has been bad, to the point I'm not sure even a FOIA request on the commission would shed any light as to what they were thinking.
I would like to think cell cam use will be enforced just like the cell phone rules .... or not enforced until you shoot a monster buck or catch the wrong warden.

I have direct weekly experience dealing with private lawyers & government employed lawyers. Neither side wants gray areas.

I would like for the regulated hunters to demand that ''actively hunting'' be defined as it pertains to hunting with cell cams on a property or cell phone use in general during a hunt, most have one on their person during a hunt. Otherwise this eventually will be defined by a court case that makes it thru the process. With people impacted in the interim.

It would be nice for us all, that just want to abide by the law, that this is defined. I do not use cell cams but I do use non-cellular cameras on county public ground and until today I was not going to use them this fall to prevent a violation.

I believe most do not want gray areas if or when we encounter law enforcement. We just wanna know!

In order to not complain without a possible solution, I will show up in February for the DNR meetings as I have before. I would like to propose non-cellular tree cameras allowed on Iowa DNR public property 7-days prior to and following deer or turkey seasons. If I have any any contact before that, I will also voice my opinion, when appropriate.

Any other suggestions I have an open ear, I have absolutely no influence other than I can be annoyingly on the rightside and sorta persistent?

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