I wrote to Mr. Garner about this and he replied.
Thank you for your comments. First of all, the newspaper article was wrong. What I am trying to do is get a piece of legislation passed before this new drug is licensed by the Federal EPA to make sure that the DNR has authority to prevent the wide spread use of it in Iowa. Another concern that I have is using sportsman's dollars to pay for the use of this - that is absolutely wrong and should never happen. I'm sure you do not want your hunting dollars used for this and neither do I.
If we do not get this legislation in place, we could be sued to use this instead of hunting and that is what I'm trying to prevent. Trying to be proactive on things is interesting - I'm trying to protect your hunting rights and future and clearly, you read something in the newspaper and made some assumptions based on some bad information. I assure you I'm looking out for you and all the other deer hunters in this state.