Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

IOWA - I Love You

BTW; Ghost, nice spot. Is that your home? You are a great representative of IA; well spoken, articulate,beautiful family, and a seemingly great individual. I hope some of your class rubs off on some of the other members. Some are scaring people away from IA.

The 'HARD.
Got it Bonker. You guys are lucky. We could handicap ya'll alittle an send you our Gov. from Illinois.
im here cause this is Heaven on Earth in my opinion. Ill take the heat and humidity cause it means fall is just around the corner, ill take the bitter cold and snow cause it means Spring is on its way.

Im here for good reason, and Ghost hit it on the head, it is the best place to raise a family!

im here for good, everywhere else can stay there! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
Iowa truly is Gods country to me. You simply won't find any better people in the world. Iowans kindness and generosity is second to none. It is simply the best place to grow up, raise a family, and be buried.

We have so many different seasons with each bringing a great sense of joy.

We have the black dirt to raise some of the best crops.

We of course have some of the best hunting opportunities in the world for multiple game species.

Low cost of living state.

It's just a low stress life state where you can take your time and truly enjoy the simple things in life.

We may not become millionaires here but who cares we have the richest life.
Been all over the world and STILL came back to small town Iowa to raise a family. My kids don't know how lucky they are, but eventually they will understand!! Great post and pics guys!

The 'IOWA-I Love You' subject couldn't be more true! I'll never leave Iowa and the funny thing is that I've never felt the need to. Many people do - and for what? Don't get me wrong, if chasing a person's dreams involves them leaving our great state then more power to them. Ever notice how many of them end up back here though? To each their own, I guess, but my dreams will never leave the timbered hillsides and wide-open expanses of the beautiful land we call home ... not in a thousand lifetimes.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Iowa1</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I always say that you can take the boy out of Iowa but you can't take the Iowa out of the boy.

I'll be back for good some day. </div></div>

You took the words right out of my mouth...I've said that exact same thing many times. As soon as I hit the MN/IA border as I'm heading south I feel at "home". MN will just never cut it for me.

Fantastic post Ghost....nice pics everyone!
Absolutely awsome pics. Great post.

Everyone who posts on this thread NEEDS to get involved in the water quality fight currently going on.

There MUST be NO reduction in the water quality standards that will further pollute our Iowa waters.
Hey shoottokill, here's another one: some friends of mine from Iowa told me that when I moved to Minnesota it doubled the average IQ in both states.

Not sure if that is a compliment or not /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
You mean there are other places other than Iowa?

Been visiting N.E. Iowa and the scenic beauty for all my life
and I do not plan on leaving anytime soon.



I loved it so much after hunting it for all my life that I figured I needed a place to wake each morning and thank the big guy for this great place he brought myself and my family to.


With views like this from my bedroom window why would anyone need anything else? Like Dbl.Tree said it is just doggone pretty.




My boys wake up each morning to this.
Don't think they can find much trouble out here. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif


With a great educational system, affordable housing, great midwest values and ethics, excellent place to raise a family and

Oh almost forgot fantastic fishing along with abundant game and wildlife. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif What else do we need? Nothing. We are truly blessed.

Based on the quote "Is this Heaven no it is IOWA" wow were they right on.

Good luck to everyone else in looking for the dream. Right here in Iowa I am living it.
Great post! A couple more reasons.

Taking friends to the muddy Mississippi.


Times with old friends with common interests and meeting new friends.


A day with the kids and the neighbors at our favorite fishing pond.


Well if I had Adobe Photoshop this post would be more condensed but any how here we go.

Why I Love Iowa- A Photographic Essay

Plenty to Hunt with Family and Friends




The Rural Landscape






Fishing the Rivers and Grandpa's Pond




The Crazy Weather (sometimes)




The Classic




And Finally, Down Home People (who know how to dress for an ugly sweater party)

incredible post so far guys, and id agree, this could be the best post of the year....

(im not sure i can top the ugly sweater pic, but these will have to do.... /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif )

any one who wants to degrade Iowa.....obviously didnt see the real beauty while they were here.....

im here to stay!








Morning on the marsh



finding Iowa Horn.....



Never a dull moment.....
and the story of my life....


but occasionally things work out......





I love it here for obvious reason.....
it is truly heaven on earth!!
God Bless Iowa.....


Yep even after a cold ass day like today ya still have to love it when you go back and look at pics like those to remind you spring in Iowa is just around the corner. Awesome pics THA4! Every year when I go for a bike ride for a couple weeks out west or wherever I can't wait until I come back to those green fields and hardwood timbers of Iowa!
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