Iowa State Forestry

I ordered some last year, white oaks, that as far as I know were in good condition and are still growing well, but they have only been out there for 10 months and I will be curious to see how they look this spring. I have generally heard good things though about the Iowa DNR source from others in years past and I can't think of any complaints that I have heard about them.
They are cheap because it's subsidized. It's a no-brainer unless you can't find the tree species you want. They are also great because they are grown in IA and you'll plant in IA which isn't a big shock on the trees. I've had great luck and will of course be ordering from them again. I usually get 90% of my trees there and the other 10% is varieties they can't get me. Be sure to ask though if there's something you don't see- I got 400 persimmon trees from them once.
Like Skip I get most of mine there too...started 16 years ago and I have tons of thousands of trees planted from them.

No cheaper price anywhere that I know of...the only drawback is that they use prison labor and they have left bundles of seedlings exposed when the lunch bell rings. Only twice in 16 years have a had a problem and they replaced them...:way:
I have planted way more trees then I would like to admit from there. Most have been one at a time too. Good stuff, just make sure you order the smaller size. The have a better survival rate.
State run nurseries are great places to get most seedlings...there are some unique things such as hybrid oaks that can be purchased from select nurseries also.
the state nursery has been a great help, we have been using their trees & shrubs in our CRP quail habitat buffers,for our snow fences and IN TSI work...some effort needed to help maintain but high % have rooted and look fantastic.