Nice job! How many sets did you make this season before you called 'em in? I'm still trying to find time get out.Downed my first coyote ever last night! Went out with a friend and did a couple sets. About 20 minutes into the first set we had two run right to us. I dropped the first one at about 40 yards and we boyh missed the second, multiple times. Hand calls (barks, howls and rabbit distress).
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Nice job! How many sets did you make this season before you called 'em in? I'm still trying to find time get out.
For you guys hunting at night, what power optic are you running? I've heard that the lower power optics work best. I have a fixed 10X on mine because that's what I had laying around at the time...
I have been using a 6-24x44mm scope backed all the way out to 6power. I would like to upgrade to a 50mm optic for night hunting. We made 5 sets last night after locating dogs and had multiple dogs within 300-400 yards each time but they wouldn't commit to coming in. They would stay out and serenade/bark/howl for 5 to 10 minutes then lose interest and leave....very frustrating but boy is it fun when it works. Any thoughts or advice on getting them to commit to coming into distance is appreciated.
What caliber do you shoot? 300 yards I would put it on the top of its back and squeeze. Did you try challenge barks? Do you use a coyote decoy? In my experience I believe it's a lot like calling turkeys some will fully commit and come right in and others won't come no matter what you throw at em. A lot of times coyotes will hang up just inside the timber when night calling and bark and howl and make all kinds of noise but will never show themselves. Have you tried calling with a buddy? Put one guy 100 yards in front of the caller in the expected coyote path or if you have a fox pro set the caller 100 yards away at 2 o'clock from your position directly up wind of you but relevant to where you believe the coyote will come from. I believe wind direction compared to the section/terrain you hunt is the most crucial part of trying to call coyotes. If there's a a spot where you can set up that gives the coyote the false impression that they can safely get down wind of the call without being in the wide open by using buffer strips, fence rows, small washouts etc. those are going to be your best producing spots year after year.
You guys hammering them at using a spotlight mounted on the scope once the yote is in range?
No you'd be amazed at what kind of light a scope will bring in. Id say 5 days plus or minus the full moon and your good to go. I use a 50mm scope and it helps a lot but 40mm is fine. Once your eyes adjust it's all about spotting them with the naked eye. Then you can see perfect once you bring them into the scope.
Awesome, just the info I was looking for. I was contemplating getting one of those Primos 350 yard spotlights that attaches to the scope but I'll roll with just the scope and see how it goes...I have the 50mm on my AR.
When there is no moon what do you guys roll with for seeing them at night?
Spotlights are illegal for yotes in Iowa fyi. You can see fine with full moon.