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IW 2005 Doe Harvests

I finished the first bow season with 7 does, the last one last night.
That makes 186.
OOPS, Shredders post beat me, that makes 187
I took out a doe lastnight here in MN.

Sorry no picture dropped the digital out of the tree and broke the flash
One more for me during 1st season gun. Still have an archery doe and an either sex tag to fill. I am chomping to get back into the bow stand.
Count should be 189.
I took one Saturday morning first thing (the others in my group took two-should I add theirs?).

Adding mine, 196.
I whacked this old gal the second day of shotgun season in Iowa. I could have used a couple more tags though.
we shot 5 during 1st gun season that makes 205. I can't wait until late muzzleloader season I've got 3 more slick head tags.
Well, I'm sitting here thinking about this - I shot another doe this past Saturday after sitting all day, that makes 215. Got tired of passing on them and small bucks since the last doe before rifle season. Personal archery total this year is now 4 does and one buck, my son took a doe in rifle but is going to keep trying for his first archery deer. We have been having some fun processing our own this year after reading many of your posts from last year.
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