HUMAN ATTACKS: Mountain lion attacks on humans are rare. A scientific review of records on attacks by cougars on humans in the United States and Canada from 1890 through 1990 indicated there were 53 cougar attacks on humans during this period nine attacks resulting in 10 human deaths, and 44 non-fatal attacks.
California population 32,66,550people (1998estamate)
158,869 square Miles
206people/sq mi
Iowa population 2,862,447 (1998 estamate)
2,862,447 square Miles
51 people/sq mi
Last year there were over 42,000 officially reported deer vehicle collisions in Wisconsin. A recent study puts the number of collisions as high as 88,000 in 1998. In 1999, these accidents resulted in three deaths and more than 800 injuries. About 40 percent of those accidents occurred in October and November, when deer are most active.
Deer/vehicle collisions also cost the auto insurance industry about $2,000 per comprehensive claim, according to the Wisconsin Insurance Alliance (WIA).
WIA reports that five cents of every auto insurance premium dollar goes to pay for the direct insured costs of deer/auto collisions. Research suggests that the total direct costs of deer/vehicle collisions were between $21-$43 per licensed Wisconsin driver in 1998.
Using the safety argument /$ argument it seems there is no room in this state for deer either. Should we get rid of ALL deer ? They are far more dangerous than mountain lions! Your fears are misplaced
Knowledge is a powerful tool. Emotions can cloud the mind.