Land Prices


New Member
My family farmed 2000 acres when I was growing up. In the mid 80's the farming went to craps and we had to get out. I was just wondering everyones take on when this would happen again. Land is at a all time high and farmers are buying new and bigger machinery every day.
In my opinion it won't drop.

But, if we get CWD in Iowa or some other disease that would wipe out a bunch of deer, I think it could slow things down.
Completely different scenario today farm prices. Lots of cash or near cash buyers so debt ratio has changed.

CWD is a concern for prices of rough ground in some areas but deer hunting isn't driving the issue.

When a new pick-up can cost $50,000, I still think timber and recreational land is cheap here. Throw in a tax break on timber and a CRP payment on the rest- it can always cycle up or down but way better than money in the bank, bonds, or stocks for the long run.
My family farmed 2000 acres when I was growing up. In the mid 80's the farming went to craps and we had to get out.

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Gee that sounds familier
I agree with limb and pharmer though, land prices now are determined more by outside investors and recreational use then by farmers. Most farmers in my area are renting most of thier ground from investors and what they own thier grandfather or great grandfather passed it down to them.
When land comes up at auction it's rare that another farmer buys it. I think prices are leveling off a little but it's hard to imagine them coming down.
I think Pharmer is right. The people buying land today are paying cash. They are usually borrowing only 20%-30% today as compared to borrowing 80% in the 80s. Then in the 80s you had 20% interest. I do think there will be some sort of correction in prices but not to the extent of the "crash" in the 80s. Most all of the land right now is in the hands of people who are more financially solid the the people who bought land in the 80s. Just my opinion.
Factors that might contribute to stability in land prices include the observation that about 45 percent of the farmland in Iowa is owned by people who do not live on farms, and about 19 percent of those non-farm owners do not even live in Iowa. Those factors, combined with a survey that showed about three-fourths of Iowa’s farmland is owned without debt, indicate the potential for significant land value declines is less than it was in the early 1980s.

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Most farmers in my area are renting most of thier ground from investors and what they own thier grandfather or great grandfather passed it down to them.
When land comes up at auction it's rare that another farmer buys it. I think prices are leveling off a little but it's hard to imagine them coming down.

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That is the way around here. Dad and I mostly rent ground but we have some farms that have been in the family for 4-6 generations. The timber price over here I think is terrible. It is very hard to buy 100 acre of timber these days with your job being a farmer. Thats why when I grow up I will still be a farmer but I will also have another job. Maybe then I can buy some of that timber for bowhunting.
Well alot of what is happening is out of staters doing 1031 exchanges from their expensive land out east and getting lots of cheaper land here in IA.

I personally think that prices will end up staying where they are since we are for the most part cheaper per acre then other states. I don't think that it will go up much any more. Currently states like FL and CA are starting to level and sometimes going down in prices. I think when this happens it will only filter here.
On the same topic- the newest poll asks about restricting the amount of leased land that an outfitter can control. Currently results are running against free enterprise and one revenue option for people that own land. WTF? I'm either a liberal republican or conservative democrat depending on who you ask but either way, I'm against more regulations on what I can or can't do on this one.
On the same topic- the newest poll asks about restricting the amount of leased land that an outfitter can control. Currently results are running against free enterprise and one revenue option for people that own land. WTF? I'm either a liberal republican or conservative democrat depending on who you ask but either way, I'm against more regulations on what I can or can't do on this one.

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It's just a poll pharmer.....

Just a topic to give members a means to express their opinion on a given subject matter.
OK Blake

Makes me wonder about the whole issue of eminent domain not being much different, governement dictating how land will be used, government telling landowners they are restricted in the market for leasing their land.

Been slow around her lately