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land prices


PMA Member
I was just wondering how high land prices for wooded ground has gotten in differrent areas. Up here in Northwest IA 800 to $1200 an acre is the norm for river ground, but have seen tree ground in hilly type areas go for over $3000.And this same ground was bought for about $400 an acre ten years ago or so. What are some of you noticing, have you noticed the same drastic increase as we have?
Hell the guy across the road from me wants close to 10,000 an acre, and its a 50 acre parcel. It's a nice chunk of land, but a wee bit out of my price range. Last year a gentlemen down the road sold 40 acres of mostly pasture with some mature trees on it for 4000 an acre. Land prices in Linn County are outrageous.
Been watching for a parcel close to IC. Seems like everyone thinks they are going to have a new subdivision- lots of people asking high prices, not sure what they are actually getting for those tracts. There are a few larger acreages (20-50acres)out there in the $3000 range.
OUCH......... I'm sure if I had the money, I could by the 160 acres west of my house for under $50,000 Canadian Dollars. It's a 120 acres of spruce, jackpine, polar, and brush... It's very thick. The other 40 acres are 4 seperate thin strips of alfalfa. I've shot my last 2 bucks off of that quarter!
50000 canadian is 33000 or something, in sas?? that dirt a$$ cheap i would buy it yesterday. 40 are going around 22500 to 40000 depending on what on them here.

the moose
I'm with moose on that, The farm i grew up on was bought for fifty dollars an acre and now goes for 1000-1200 and that is timbered.In western New York.
make ya a deal figure out what the guy wants for it and i will buy it, i will give you all the hunting rights you want on it except for like three days a year.

the moose
wow, looks like prices are pretty high all over , Maybey I need to move to Canada!!!It just really surprises me when I see Timber ground going for more than Ag ground.Hey Saskguy, you might wanna keep quiet about that ground, if the wrong guy hears, you may lose your hunting spot!
I'm dang glad that a non resident (U.S) can own no more than 10 acres of property in Saskatchewan and even if they own it they cannot hunt without an outfitter. For this I'm darn glad as our entire province would be bought up, and called another northern state!LOL If it was possible for you to own land here you could have an entire section for less than a quarter down there, man I'm glad you guys can't come up here and by up my hunting grounds!!LOL.
I'll move there, what a darn good huntin area, hell for the price you can't beat it. For iowa, thats to much. only the rich and famous can buy big parcels of land. Canada is where its at.
I bought my 300 acres just alittle over 2 years ago with 180 acres of solid timber and the rest in CRP for 725$ an acre. Have pheasant, turkey, and you guessed it, deer. Its mostly in Zone 4 in Southwest Iowa. I don't know what it might be worth today but I am sure I could sell it for somewhat of a profit.
Simple law of supply and demand. We told a few people that we might be selling our farm, and I couldn't believe the number of phone calls we got. Especially impressive since we have an unlisted number. There isn't that much land for sale and lots of 1039? activity (people selling one investment, rolling the proceeds into land to avoid taxes). When something comes up for sale, it's how bad do I want it before someone else buys it.
ya'll got it easy out in iowa! here in ohio it runs anywhere from 3000 to 5000. i got extremely lucky and bought 40 acres for 35000. boy the offers i have had on my property and how many times i have been asked where did you luck into a deal like that. it's a extremely stupid reason why our land is so high around here.
I looked at a great 60 acres in Johnson county the other day- only problem was it has about a $800,000 house sitting on it too.
What we need is a big hit to the economy so some of these highly leveraged folks who are borrowed up to their eyeballs feel some pressure to unload some of their holdings and the supply side of the equation gets better. JUST KIDDING. Seriously, though, I can't figure out a way that I can justify buying ground when I got four kids to put through college yet. I know there are some on this board that would say it's a matter of sacrifice, but I can't sacrifice certain things for my own personal pleasure. I am sure for some it will turn out to be a great recreation and financial investment but to most of us, it sure seems like the goal of owning your own hunting ground is a dream that most of us will never be able to realize.

Look at it as an investment for your kids college education. Prices for recreational land in IA are still low compared to other parts of the country, and keep in mind IA does have the best deer hunting in the USA. I guarantee if you buy now, and are willing to sell 15 years down the road, the return will be well worth it. The problem is convincing the ladies. About 14 years ago my father bought a 200 acre farm in PA after a battle with the better half. Today it has paid for their retirement home in FLA. Needless to say my mom now understands the land was more than a place to play, it was a valuable investment. "They don't make no more dirt." Go for it.
my dad bought his farm about 15 years ago, I remember some pretty tough times back then as well, but today Id guess the farm has probably tripled in value. What really surprises me is that some people around here are paying more for wooded ground than even the best farmground.

Is that the price for crop ground or land that will be used for development? I saw where some crop ground sold 15 miles south of us for around $4300 an acre. A little out of my price range
not of the price range just limits the number of acres you can buy

You're exactly right. Folks in IA have long ignored the value of recreational property, ie. wooded land, but are now realizing that people are willing to pay to play. Anything that entertains us is worth $$$ and hunting is no exception. Look at the price of a major league ball ticket, an NFL ticket, etc. All forms of entertainment. Keep in mind wooded land is valuable as wildlife sanctuaries, and the timber has value. The price of land in IA has not yet come close to peaking. Buy Now!
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