You say they can't build a better mouse trap. I beg to differ. My buddy Headgear, you know the Clinometer guy, well, one time long ago in this so called "house" that we sometimes occupied was over run with the beasties. He decided enough was enough when he woke up one morning with one of them sleeping on his chest, no kidding!
After baiting and killing 11 of them using Cheetos and a pellet gun, (really hated to see those Cheetos go to waste like that), he invented the "better mouse trap." He filled the kitchen sink half full of water and placed six forks with peanut butter on them around the edge with the fork edge over the water. I really hated to see the peanut butter go but he insisted, anyway, sure enough, in the morning there were five mice floating in the sink with all six forks tipped into the water. I guess one of them slipped away to swim another day.
Best part is that the peanut butter was still on the forks so we still had something to put on our toast for breakfast. Hey, we was po folk!