With the midday reports on here, I decided to try a spot and stalk yesterday afternoon. Got within 35 yards of a young 7 pt (probably 1.5 yr old). Think he was bedded, and got up and walked right go me to about 5 yards. Never spooked (upwind from me), saw me, turned and went around me. Then heard some rustling, so I got ready for an older buck or doe, but it was a coyote. It saw me before I could get the bow up. I changed direction to go around a couple draws into timber thinking the way I was headed was probably flushed out by the coyote. Got into the timber, and the 7 pt comes trotting by me at about 5-10 yds! Saw another small buck later. Was hoping to have something cruising thru the timber, but no real movement. Dang leaves were pretty noisy too. Probably should have waited for a rainy day.