Try this NWTF Super Sorghum Mix
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Super Sorghum Food Plot Mix
Supplied by: Project HELP
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The mix is a diverse assortment of sorghums and millet designed specifically to provide a high energy food supply through an extended period and resist damage by deer. Normally planted a couple weeks later than corn and adapted to a variety of soil types.
Forage sorghum, medium maturity 8 - 9 foot tall, red grain 25%
Forage sorghum, late maturity 11 - 12 foot tall, white grain 10%
Forage sorghum, medium early, short variety 3 - 4.5 foot tall, white grain 25%
Foxtail millet, medium late maturity, 2 - 2.5 foot tall, light tan grain 10%
Hybrid grain sorghum, 58 day to mid bloom, 3 foot tall, cream grain 15%
Hybrid grain sorghum, 52 day to mid bloom, 3 foot tall, red grain 15%
This is a 15 pound unit which can plant up to 2 acres, depending on whether drilled or broadcast.
Please allow 2 to 3 weeks for delivery. This is a drop-shipped item shipped directly from vendor. Shipping cannot be expedited.
This is roundup ready also!
Price Includes Shipping!
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