Great points!!!!
MO has some HUGE issues bubbling into a disaster & I’ve talked with IA DNR & MDC folks about this. Came up when MO is hiring sharp shooters for does in N MO & also- cannot control their doe #’s. U look across the line into IA - we are shooting enough does- “too many” most would argue. This is the graph we discussed below. Cross into MO & folks stop shooting does. WHY?????….
Spent a lot of time discussing & fairly widely accepted:
1) residents (& NR’s) don’t want to ruin their RIFLE hunts blazing on does as it could ruin their chances on bucks.
2) during rut is when you see the LEAST amount of does (hiding) & bucks searching to find them.
3) NR’s & R have leased up so Much land to try to increase quality… NR’s especially do NOT shoot does. In iowa- 90-95% of NR’s don’t shoot does. Difference is- iowa has way fewer NR’s vs MO.
4) more land is staying vacant each year for leasing, pressure or control reasons where folks are only showing up for the 1 or 2 times to “get their buck”.
Iowa controls doe #’s too effectively. With a late gun season & about 95%+ of the hunters here being RESIDENTS. Our gun seasons are FANTASTIC & opportunities for everyone - it’s darn good & it’s late! I am down by that line …. Hunting tanks when you cross. It’s also outfitted, leased & NO ACCESS way worse than iowa. Age class is night & day different … MO has more deer - more does but far less bucks & age class is not comparable.
MO has way more habitat, way higher deer density. Their age class is inferior by a long shot. The access is far worse than Iowa. They can’t control doe #’s & they believe they can’t get control of the diseases due to all the problems (CWD, whether u agree or not- that’s MO position). R’s are having a fit about access. Dudes can shoot 2 bucks. So- there’s some real problems there ….. my contention is that if they mimicked Iowas regulations, ALL of their issues would be alleviated to SOME degree. The ONLY loser is “but our rifle season has always been on this date forever. So it has to stay that way”. That’s the ONLY group that loses IMHO vs all the other benefits of having common sense regulations to fix their rapidly growing problems.
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