Me being me too

. All good my man!!!! Love it!!!!
I clearly think a lot of guys share that view. As of today, a majority that will dwindle over time. The data is slowly shifting as the younger generation takes over.
So- for the benefits of a few days of blasting with rifles …. We have all these downsides we have discussed. Now, since we have to keep rifles in middle of rut, keep this in mind…
1) 2 weeks later on a calendar…. You are MAYBE talking the difference of 2-3 degrees in temperature on the yearly average. Plus it’s south of iowa into MO so temps are so much warmer than the great north like wi or mn or even iowa
2) age class is ruined for everyone - that season, the season after & continually. All because guys need to blaze high power rifles in early to mid November.
3) archery hunters are screwed. Maybe get one good week in late October or early November. If it’s warm- could be screwed for all of archery.
4) I’ve been around the gun during rut states. Rest of season sucks!!!!! In iowa - u can hunt any day, December through Jan 10 & it’s GREAT. In reality- most the gun during rut states…. 3 days in, it’s about toast. Rifles have been blazing, most the harvest is over. So, for 3 days, we ruin the state & ruin the resource.
5) does don’t get shot cause guys don’t wanna be blazing their high power rifles in those precious few good days of hunting when they “have to get their buck(s)”.
6) wide open unlimited NR tags for sure makes MO way worse than iowa!!!! & yes guys… MDC, if they limit NR’s, as they should, will let NRLO’s get tags so landowners won’t be impacted.
So- hunters in states that have “huge problems” (age class, no access, too many does, not enough does, whatever) not ever being able to change a thing for the better is mind boggling to me. All the while these folks agreed to things in last 20-30 years that ruined the resource (long list).
Bottom line: all the benefits MO would have if they adopted Iowas regs ….. better age class, more bucks, better doe management, better/longer archery season, far longer quality season (to the end of it!!!), less access issues, on & on…. CAN’T DO IT BECAUSE “that date on calendar for rifles has always been ____ so we can’t change it”. Or “it’s too cold” or “that might hurt MY CHANCES AT A BUCK”. Whatever. & I’m not saying I don’t empathize or understand- I do. It’s just it’s so obvious to ANYONE with any basic understanding of deer management that iowa does it right & MO is crippled with issues. & human nature of some “can’t change a thing!!!!!!”
Weigh out the benefits of moving the gun season vs the downsides. It’s no contest IMO. Literally, ALMOST everyone wins if MO makes common sense reg changes. Current system is madness.