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Mitch Rompola

Horst, when say that a buck of that size couldn't come from that area i think they mean something else. I live in Michigan and have vactioned and hunted very close to where the buck was supposedly shot. The area consist of about 90% of heavy ceder swamps where you almost have to crawl through to get through. My beagle has a hard time to operate in this habitat, let alone a 250+ lb. whitetail sporting a set of horns 30 inches wide. The deer however could have resided in the other 10% of the area consisting of small fields on the edge of the cedar swamps, however if the deer lived in this area, I believe it would be awful hard for know one else know he was there. The lovesten buck case in point. Also, i good friend of mine owns and operates the Michigan Whitetail Museum. He offered Mitch over the phone $3000 to have the horns ex-rayed and Mitch declined. If you are ever in Jackson, MI stop into the musuem and ask the owner what he thinks of Mitch Rompala. This isn't the first time Mitch has tried something like this. He is a joke.
i dont think it is a joke, and i dont think it is right for you to say that, he has nothing to prove not to you or your friend. every one believe all of the other garbage on the luvsten buck and ddo not believe mitch cause he is an ex felon. if we dont believe than dont believe in anything with a fishy story.way to go i am proud of a few of you, and others you need to step back and look how hypicritical you really are and quit being two faced

Thank You grassybuck for saying it, the guy is a joke and shortfused do I need to break the crayons out for you to realize this. Wake up, I am also from MI and would love nothing more for our state to have the world record but I am sorry Mitch's buck is a freud and no he does not have to proove it to you or I but why did he bring it public, he could have denied pictures and interviews from day one but he didn't.

To compare the Luvsten buck and Rompolas is a discrace to Tony.
My 2 cents,
i guess thats what the difference between us northerners and you flatlanders, i believe it i dont care if you dont, bottom line is there is contraversy behind every big buck and people dont believe it cause he wont show it. i agree i think he should show it but i dont think it is a fake. i guess people do things for different reasons, i am not mitch or either are you but i am sure he has his reasons and doesnt need to explain him self to you or me. bottom line is you have no more of an idea if it is real than i do. i guess i am just a believer in it is real untill proven wrong. as far as the luvsten buck goes if tony shot it great for him, but they have slipped up in the tagging of the deer and the transport of the deer. i am glad for tony i truely am i just hope the benefits of the big deer arent passing him by, which i feel they are. enough said have a good, and hey smile while you are coloring

The issue of the Rompola buck is such a old issue anymore. The reason he has not had is scored and taken up the issue of having the rack xrayed is quite simple---it is a fake. You are correct when you say he owes no one anything and can do as he likes. He is the one that brought the issue to light but refused to back up his claim. You are never a ex felon until you have been pardoned. In order to be a felon you usually have to do a serious crime. You loose alot, sometimes your freedom and upmost you intergrity. Thats not to say that you can't better yourself after having something like that happen to you but it is a badge that will follow you forever. Given the controversy of this issue Mitch Rompola could forever silence his critics by stepping to the plate and proving that his integrity is worth something these days. I would be the first to apologize if I were wrong and eat crow! I just don't believe that this is going to happen though. If there was some concrete evidence to support his claim this discussion would not be happening. He could do himself and the whole deer hunting community some justice by coming forward and putting this to rest! Just my two cents!One way or another it really dosen't matter because most of the serious hunters who hear or read about him simply ignore this issue anymore.
this post is just a huge argument and it is so old it dont even matter. delete it please i have had enough

Grassybuck, you got me there, I admitt i dont know anything about the area he shot this buck in.I was assuming from the information i read and heard that that area wasnt know for the size of its deer.

Real or not were probably never gonna find out for sure but its funny after this many years how often his name still comes up.Without ever having the deer scored hes still one of the most talked about hunters I know of.If it was just a stunt to get some attention Id say he done a real good job.
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