Horst, when say that a buck of that size couldn't come from that area i think they mean something else. I live in Michigan and have vactioned and hunted very close to where the buck was supposedly shot. The area consist of about 90% of heavy ceder swamps where you almost have to crawl through to get through. My beagle has a hard time to operate in this habitat, let alone a 250+ lb. whitetail sporting a set of horns 30 inches wide. The deer however could have resided in the other 10% of the area consisting of small fields on the edge of the cedar swamps, however if the deer lived in this area, I believe it would be awful hard for know one else know he was there. The lovesten buck case in point. Also, i good friend of mine owns and operates the Michigan Whitetail Museum. He offered Mitch over the phone $3000 to have the horns ex-rayed and Mitch declined. If you are ever in Jackson, MI stop into the musuem and ask the owner what he thinks of Mitch Rompala. This isn't the first time Mitch has tried something like this. He is a joke.