Every season human tactics to attract deer, come up. Every season, properties, animals ,,are different. I enjoy reading reports. Some say,,"This stuff doesn't work at all",,,. Others say, the bucks came running.I made some mock scrapes 2007, put this dehydrated pee scent in it. Supposed to be activated by rains. Never had any response. Last season, deer started using one scrape, without putting anything in it. I am cautious about human tampering too much in areas you want to see deer. Especially where deer are constantly bothered by humans. Less intrusion is best. Less to alert them is best. If you have some big property,,and deer are left alone,,you can do more things. What I have seen anyway. Also I,,have tried some of that Hawgs, Synthetic,,made in Mi. Used to live there. Tried it in MI. and IA. No response,,but like I said,,most every situation from year to year,,,,different.